Ch. 11

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Take number 2 at completing my first full day of school.

I arrived early once again, to receive my brand new e-scooter. A student named Natalie gave me some helpful tips, and I had a much easier time paying attention now that Parisa's cute boyfriend Eric wasn't around. This time, I would keep right, as far as which lane to use, and I will only ever use an elevator on the right or left side of the hallway. This shouldn't be so hard. Once your scooter enters the elevator, the elevator takes it directly to the human seating area.

I was the first student to arrive at my first hour math class. I sat in the same seat I'd sat in on Monday, and waited for more students to file in. Giant after giant rumbled in first, many of which didn't spare the human seating area so much as a glance. Then, butterflies filled my stomach when I saw a familiar giant enter class. Jacob. Jacob's eyes went straight to the human seating area, and I swear he appeared to recognize me from all the way at the front of the room. Jacob approached the area and then placed his hand down, revealing Parisa.

I felt sick seeing Parisa. I do not like confrontation, and she apparently did not like me. It's good to stay away from people who don't like you. H3ll, in my book, it's just plain good to stay away from people, period.

"River?" Parisa said, coming straight towards my desk and sliding into the chair sat next to mine. Out of my peripheral I could see Jacob placing Parisa's e-scooter next to mine in the designated area. Then he looked down at us and smiled.

"Go for the nose!" Jacob whispered to me, before walking away to sit in a giant sized desk. Parisa rolled her eyes at Jacobs' words.

"River, hey, can we talk?"

"I'm sorry I pushed you," I replied, getting my apology over with.

"And I'm sorry for what I said. I really wish I hadn't said any of that stuff. I don't really mean it. Sometimes, I just say stuff to blend in at the moment... It's dumb,"

"Yes," I said, agreeing with her. I was trying so hard not to make eye contact. How was this girl Jacob and Morgan's sibling?

"I wanted to make it up to you, if you'd let me,"

"That's okay. I promise I will leave you alone as long as you leave me alone,"

"Would you maybe like to have a sleepover?"


"Okay, maybe just a girls night? We can get to know each other better,"

D@mn, Parisa was being persistent, and I was running out of excuses not to just say yes... It's not like I had any plans outside of therapy sessions and the normal homework time.

"Okay... I'll um have to ask my parents though,"

"Ha, I'm sure it'll be fine. We're almost family anyways,"


"Perfect. Does tomorrow night work?"


"Amazing! I can't wait!" Parisa said, in a friendly tone. This entire interaction felt fake. How strange would it be to go to Parisa's house... Jacobs house... would he be there? I mean, he's seen my house, so it makes sense that I'd see his, right?

The next few classes went by smoothly. I turned my homework in, using the online portal thing, and before I knew it, it was once again time for lunch. If I made it through lunch, there'd be only 2 more classes before Blue picked me up after school.

I entered the lunch room, and decided to sit in the human only section today. This section was small but absolutely packed with students. It was proving difficult to even find a seat. Eventually I found a table that had a couple empty seats at the end. I sat down, ready to zone out and enjoy the lunch Blue had made me when my phone buzzed.

JACOB: Hey! Where are you sitting?

Jacob texted me. Wait- this means I have to text back... it's rude not to.

RIVER: I'm in the human section

JACOB: Awww, I can't sit in that section.

RIVER: Sorry. I didn't have anyone to sit with, so I figured this was easier.

JACOB: Hey, how'd things go with Parisa?

RIVER: Good. I think we are going to do something together tomorrow night. A girls night.

JACOB: yuck. You don't seem like the type of girl who'd enjoy a girls night. That's a compliment btw.

RIVER: Thanks?

JACOB: your house or my house?

RIVER: I don't know.

JACOB: You should come over to my house. That way if the girls night is lame I can save you.


JACOB: See you in 6th period!

6th period couldn't have come any quicker. This was the one and only class I was looking forward to all day. It was 6th period art class. My one and only elective class. I couldn't think of a better way to end my day than in art.

I parked my scooter and took a seat in the front row of the human sitting area. I was getting my notepad and pencils out when I felt a giant rumbling towards me at an alarming pace.

"Oh my goodness! River, it is amazing to see you. I'll be your teacher this semester, My name's Mr. L, for Logan. I'm best friends with your brother, Trent! Best man in his wedding and everything. I'm so happy you're back!"

Wow. I looked at this teacher, Mr. L. He looked a bit... colorful... to be Trent's best friend. Mr. L wore three different clashing patterns and had his long hair pulled back into a messy bun. He certainly looked artsy enough to be the art teacher.

Art class had multiple things going for me now. I had my favorite subject, Trents friend as the teacher, and my only friend, Jacob, was apparently also in this class. The very thought of seeing Jacob made my heart flutter. Jacob had such a fun energy. Everytime I talked to him I felt like I was talking to a human. He was so casual and chill. It was nice.

The minute bell rang, signally that there was only 1 minute left before class officially started. I looked around the room, clocking that Jacob hadn't entered yet. Finally I turned to the door and saw him walking into class. This time my heart sank instead of fluttered. Jacob was not walking in alone. He was walking into class while holding hands with a totally beautiful giantess. They weren't holding hands in just a friendly way either. Their fingers were interlaced, and they were clearly together, as in together, together.

Why did I even care? Jacob might seem friendly and so comfortable to be around that he almost feels like a human, but he's not. Of course he's with a giantess. A really pretty one too. She had short brown hair, and perfectly clear skin. Her lips were perfectly heart shaped, and she was so tall that she was almost the same height as Jacob, who was certainly pretty tall by giant standards. Jacob didn't make any sign of eye contact with me when he and his girl passed the human seating area. A fire burned within me.

This is why I shouldn't have even pretended to have made a friend. It hurt me inside. It hurt me in a way that a friend shouldn't even be able to make you hurt. I finally had to admit to myself, that I might have built a slight crush on Jacob. A crush that has now done nothing but left me crushed. 


A short one- but impactful hopefully. Anybody ever been there when your crush is already taken?! 

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