Ch. 27

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I felt the vibrations first. The pulsing music sent a somewhat comforting thrum through my body. Comforting vibrations... just like the comforting vibrations from days of pretending. Days of imagining a life... Now I lay, confused- having to face the fact that maybe nothing was ever pretend. Maybe everything I ever thought was actually real?

I slowly opened my eyes to find I was laying on my side on a bed. There was an arm draped over me and a soft, warm body pressed against my back. Who was this?! I carefully twisted so that I could see who was laying against me. I felt nervous that I'd find some creepy guy, but when I finally took in the face beside me a sigh of relief escaped my lips. It was Parisa. Parisa looked so peaceful laying on the pillow beside me. Peaceful yet sad. Her cheeks appeared to have a sheen of dried tears across them. Had Praisa been crying? Ugh- it was probably because of stupid Eric. Eric was really not a good guy.

"River?" Parisa said my name, basically whispering.

"Hey Parisa. Are you okay?"

"No... Yeah. I'm good,"

"You don't seem good,"

"Ohh River. We've both been drinking. It brings out all the emotions," Parisa said, letting out a dramatic sigh as she sat upright in the bed. I followed her movements, sitting upright myself. As soon as I did, the room seemed to spin. Oyy. I felt kind of sick.

"W-what did Eric do? I heard you say he was hurting you. Are you okay?" I asked.

"It's fine. Honestly, I totally get why he's mad at me. Even I'm mad at me,"

"For what?"

"For thinking of a reality that couldn't possibly be real... I shared it with him, cuz I just needed to talk it out with someone. Obviously I only ended up hurting his feelings and embarrassing him,"

"What? I don't understand. I- I don't think people should get mad at you for thinking things that aren't real. I... I know that now," I admitted, my dreamlike flashback resurfacing to the front of my mind as I spoke. I had been punished for my imaginary thoughts my entire childhood... my imaginary thoughts that were real. I know they were real. There was no "pretend family". It was the Reeds. It was my family all along. Kerry took that from me. She took me from them. Kerry Redington made me so afraid to dream of that pretend life, that I ultimately grew to let those memories slip away. Not so hard to do when you're young and clearly messed up. Kerry messed me up. I was supposed to be normal... or normalish- and Kerry did this to me.

"River, don't worry about it. I'll be fine. Honestly I'm glad Eric got mad at me. I think it helps remind me not to long for things I can't have,"

"What can't you have?"

"Nothing.... It's stupid," Paris said as her face started to blush.

"I don't think it's stupid," I said, hoping I could convince her not to trap her imagination or dreams inside. I did that, and look where it got me. It made me cold. It made me alone. It made me feel so incredibly awkward around everyone. No. I don't want that. I want to have friends and family and a life. I want the life Kerry took from me.

"That's why I like you so much," Paris whispered, as if her reply was a secret.

"I like you too," I admitted, finding myself smiling.

"No, the thing is, you don't like me how I like you... I mean... How are you feeling? Y-you drank so much- a-and Eric scared you. Are you okay?"

"Me? Yeah... I'm actually better I think... I remember some things now,"

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