Ch. 14

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"River, you are only going to get out of this what you put into it," Carol said, in our second therapy session.


"You know, if you can't confront your fears, then you can't conquer them. My father used to say that,"

"I don't have a father," I replied, finally saying SOMETHING to hopefully appease this woman.

"That's interesting. Is Thomas Reed not your father?"

"Not one that I know well... I do like Thomas... a lot,"

"You know, we are going to have a family session next week. I think that will be very helpful,"

"I don't,"

"And why is that?" Carol asked, putting her pen down and giving me another one of her stern looks,"

"Because I don't..."

"Are you still afraid of the Reeds?"

"I never said that,"

"You didn't have to,"

"Well it's not my fault. I didn't grow up around giants. Not in this life. Not the me who I remember. I didn't ask to be taken, I didn't ask to be put up for adoption in the first place. I don't even know who my real parents are, let alone this family,"


Thank the gods, I was saved by the bell. My session was up, and Carol looked all too happy with herself that she'd managed to get me to talk at least a little. Her and I began exiting Trent's room where she'd leave to chat with Thomas and Blue about scheduling another session. No. I don't want another session. Instead of heading to my room to wallow, I followed Carol down the walkway to the kitchen.

"Going to spend time with Blue and Thomas?" Carol asked.

"Sure," I replied.

We didn't speak as we continued our journey to the kitchen. Everything in this house was a journey when you're this small. Truth be told, I didn't trust Carol when it came to client patient confidentiality. She probably planned on telling Blue and Thomas what I've said, which would only hurt their feelings. Once we reached the kitchen Blue and Thomas looked up somehow, always hyper aware of when a human enters the space. They looked somewhat surprised to see me trailing behind Carol.

"How'd it go?" Blue asked, both Carol and I, I think.

"Wonderfly. We made some great progress today, didn't we River?"

"I don't want to do anymore sessions." There. I said it... in front of Carol and everything. Of course I'm a joke, and Thomas, Blue and Carol all chuckle at my response.

"I wanted to see if you could send over your availability for our first family session," Carol asked Blue and Thomas, acting like I hadn't just said what I'd just said.

"I'm not doing another session." I said once again. This time no one laughed.

"River, Carol says you're doing well," Thomas said with a cautious tone.

"I don't like it, and I don't think it's helping. I also did not ask for help. Just like I did not ask for any of this,"

And now I'd really silenced the room. None of the adults seemed to know how to respond.

"How about we try one family session. I think that could really help us as well," Blue finally suggested.

"That sounds like a brilliant idea. We'll take it one session at a time," Carol agreed.

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