This Fall Ball wasn't at all going how I'd hoped it would. I haven't seen Issac, Jacob, or even Parisa in about an hour. At this point the dance was almost over and I'm not entirely sure how I should be feeling right now. Issac was supposed to be my ride home, and he'd completely ditched me once he heard about Jacob staying the night. Ugh, it's not how it sounds. Not really. I was just having a hard night, and I don't think I would have gotten to sleep if I didn't talk to someone. Of course, now it's pretty clear I was foolish to think I had friends. People to talk with, and share my thoughts with. No, I grew up dealing with it all by myself.
Issac wont respond to any of my texts or calls. Jacob won't respond... Parisa won't respond.
"River, have you seen Parisa?" Parisa's friend from the soccer team, Natalie asked. I blinked away the tears that had been pooling in my eyes, and focused on Natalie. She had a beautiful orange dress on, that faded into a dark red shade at the bottom.
"Hi, um, know I haven't seen Parisa for a while,"
"What the h3ll. She isn't answering any of my text! Did you hear about Jacob?"
"No, what about Jacob?" I asked, feeling nervous to hear the answer. Issac had said he was going to go talk to Jacob. I hope nothing bad happened.
"Jacob got into a fight with Issac Green!"
"No! Is Jacob okay? Is Issac okay?"
"I don't know, It all went down in the giant section. I heard that Issac beat Jacob up and then when Jacob tried to fight back, Mr. Sharp showed up and Jacob punched him,"
"I know right! Do you think Parisa was with Jacob? I literally haven't been able to find her,"
"Yeah, maybe that's where she is now, with Jacob..."
My stomach churned with piles of anxiety as I tried to imagine what a fight between Jacob and Issac would even look like. Issac was definitely bigger than Jacob. I'm not sure Jacob would stand much of a chance against Issac. And wait, he hit Mr. Sharp? That's bad. Surely hitting a parapro would get you in trouble. Trouble, all because of me. This was all because of me. Me, and my stupid lies.
My phone buzzed in the hidden pocket of my dress. I reached in, hoping to see one of my "friends" calling me. Issac, Jacob, and Parisa are still my friends right? Would Issac be so mad that he wouldn't talk to me now? Had Parisa been mad I didn't go with her to the restroom when she got upset... I noticed girls do that sometimes. Should I have accompanied Parisa? Ugh. Instead I stayed with Jacob, who was probably mad at me because Issac apparently beat him up. This dance was a mess.
I looked down, and instead of seeing Issac, Jacob, or Parisa's name flash across the phone, I saw a random number flash across. My first instinct was to assume it was a mistake, for who would call me from this random number? I suppose Issac or Jacob could be using a different phone or something?
"Hello?" I said, answering the phone loudly, hoping to block out the pulsing music. I waited, hoping to hear a familiar voice on the other line, but instead I heard nothing. Must have been the wrong number? When my phone buzzed once again I looked down and saw a text from the mysterious number.
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Meet me at the human athletic entrance.
RIVER: Who is this?
UNKNOWN NUMBER: You have 5 minutes.
What the heck? This didn't sound good. This almost made me think this could be- no. No. It was probably Parisa or something. Maybe Parisa broke her phone and was texting from someone else's?

Found (New Earth Saga)
Teen FictionMeet River. A teenage girl who just found out the woman she's called her mother, is actually a criminal, who illegally adopted her in a blackmarket human trafficking scheme. Now, River, finally found, must return to live with the original family tha...