Ch. 49

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I could hardly stop my hands from shaking long enough to take in the dried blood all over them. As if the realization of the blood wasn't enough to send me spiraling once again, Mr. Mangello's thunderous voice was terrifying. He'd pounded on Jacob's door, clearly angry with Jacob. It turns out Jacob had been caught lying about where he was going. Had he told his parents he was going to get Parisa? Well, apparently Parisa wasn't home. Now, I was stood on Jacob's dresser, praying that I could evaporate right about now.

"River?!" Jacob's mom said, gasping when she noticed me. The two giants fell silent, turning their attention to me.

"I'm sorry!" I immediately said, my voice cracking uncontrollably. Gods I was a mess. I looked over at the Mangellos and quickly saw that Mr. Mangello's face had turned from angry to concerned. Even though I know he's not Jacob's biological father, the two looked so similar with their concerned expressions. They both crouched in unison, keeping their dark eyes focused on me. Meanwhile, Mrs. Mangello, the only other human in the room, was practically jogging towards me from the human walkway that led to Jacob's dresser.

"Sweetheart! Are you alright?! What happened?" Mrs. Mangello asked, joining me on the dresser. I took a few steps back from her, not wanting her to finish the embrace she was going for. I was a mess right now. I literally had blood on my hands. What had I done?!

"I'll call Thomas," Mr. Mangello said in a soft tone.

"No! Don't call my parents! I-I can't tell them! I need- time?"

Mr. Mangello paused in the doorway. Meanwhile, Jacob approached the dresser and brought his hand over to me. He didn't exactly offer his palm for me to climb on, but I started climbing his hand anyways. Somehow being with him made me feel like this was all going to be alright.

"River, I think we have to tell them," Jacob said, his tone cautious and careful.

"I can't! We can't tell Blue and Thomas! They'll hate me!"

"No they won't." Jacob tried to reassure me.

"Why don't we get you cleaned up? Let's get out of this dress and calm down, just us girls," Mrs. Mangello suggested. Okay, being with another human sounded kind of good I guess. Yeah... that would be okay.

Mrs. Mangello, who'd once again insisted I call her Daria, had such a calming energy. She looked like an older version of Parisa, from the tan skin, to the long dark hair. She provided me with a fluffy robe, a towel, and an impressive warm bathtub that even bubbled when you entered. At one point Mr, Mangellos had rumbled up right outside of this human sized room, placing two cups of tea down for us. Daria brought them inside and I have to admit I was impressed that such a large giant hand managed to even carry human sized tea cups without breaking them, or spilling tea. I guess that makes sense considering he has a lot of opportunities to practice at this house.

While sat in the tub I couldn't see Daria. She remained in what I've learned is called a "sitting room" almost like being in a luxurious locker room. I appreciated having the privacy to wash up and take in the state of my sore body. One of my knees had been busted from my fight back in the corridor. My sore hand was swollen. Had I broken something? This would be bad. It was my good hand too! Now I couldn't do art- the very thing Kerry taught me to love. Kerry who I had- Nooo. This was not okay. I'm going to be in so much trouble. But If I didn't do it, I don't trust that Kerry wouldn't have done the same to me. That has to count for something doesn't it?

"I'm not going to force you to open up to me River, but I will say it can sometimes be less pressure to open up to someone you don't know as well. That's actually part of how I bonded with my husband. When I lost my ex, I had a hard time talking about the grief with everyone who knew me. I didn't know Joe as well, so it was somehow easier for me to break around him,"

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