Ch. 42

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I kicked my shoes off as soon as I got home. I needed to shower and get ready for a night I wasn't exactly looking forward to. Fall Ball. At least my friend Trevor would meet up with me at the dance... of course he'd be with his date, but still, it was good to have one friend who wasn't my sister, or the girl I like liked who was going to Fall Ball with someone else. I heard the tv on, and was surprised since my mom should still be finishing up her work, and Dad would surely still be at work. I stepped into the living room and saw Trent and Morgan sitting on the couch as if they lived here. Okay, so technically Morgan at least still had a room here. I mean her room was more of a guest room at this point, but yeah, her being here made sense. Why was Trent here? Why did I feel anxious seeing Trent? Trent was basically my cousin at this point, and yet, I was instantly nervous to see him here... the day of Fall Ball... the day after I'd been caught sleeping over in his old bed with River... the day after all h#ll had basically broken loose.


"What's up! I've been summoned," Morgan said from her curled up position in Trent's lap. I sat down across from her and Trent, avoiding eye contact with him. I felt his eyes bearing into me, but I tried to act like I was just super fixated on my sister.

"Hey Jake. Just the man I've been waiting for," Trent said in a dry tone.

"Trent," Morgan said his name in warning. Why was this always my life? I was always on the brink of a lecture.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here to help with Parisa's hair and makeup for Fall Ball. Trent wanted to come along. Maybe to help you get ready? Talk about stuff..."

"I'd like to hear more about your relationship with River," Trent said, making Morgan and my eyes grow wide.

"Relationship? I really am sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have come over so late, and without asking. And I shouldn't have fallen asleep. I-"

"Listen, I'm actually not that mad about all that. I talked to my dad about this Issac dude taking River to the dance. I actually met him back when I picked River up from his house and found her literally half naked in his kitchen,"

"What?!" I exclaimed. River had her clothes off around Issac? She'd been that open with him... wow. What I would give to be that close to her.

"Hadn't she been caught in the rain? Trent, don't be so dramatic," Morgan said.

"Yeah, either way, this kid is suspect. If the current choices are Mr. Green's equally awkward son, or you, I guess I'll support you,"

"Wait, really?"

"I want you to look out for River tonight. I don't like that she's going with this group of sports dudes, especially after everything that's going on with Kerry Reddington. This is a mess. I can't believe my parents are even letting her go to the dance,"

"I think it's good River goes. She needs something to take her mind off of all this I bet," Morgan added. "When will Parisa be home?"

"Why does everyone assume I know everything about Parisa?"

"Cuz you do," Morgan replied with a laugh.

"Okay, she'll be done in like a half hour, but she's getting a ride home with Natalie I guess. I think Parisa is mad at me,"

"Why? What'd you do?"

"Oh my gosh, why do you assume I'd done something?" I asked, exasperated.

"Okay, so what happened to start this fight?" Morgan asked.

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