Ch. 2

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I opened my eyes and was pleased to find I was laying in an incredibly soft bed. My fingers danced across the smooth sheets, nicer than any I'd ever used before. My left hand was bandaged which meant I really had fallen earlier in front of those giants. Did this mean I was in a hospital or something? I didn't think my cut was that deep, but I might be trying to create an explanation for why I'm no longer outside, and how I got here.

I looked up to see ceilings that rose entirely too high to comprehend. Then I looked around. I was in a huge room. This room was the size of a field, with massive wooden furniture clearly meant for a giant. Then I realized I was on some high up surface that had a bunch of human furniture on it. It had the bed I was lying in, two dressers, a mirror, and a desk. Where was I? Please tell me I wasn't where I thought I was...

"River?" A female voice sounded from across the room. I turned my head and my dark brown eyes locked with the striking blue eyes of the giantess sitting in a chair across the room. She looked like a beautiful embodiment of deja vu. Her face had splotches that made it look like she'd been crying. Sh#t, I hope I didn't upset the giants.

"Hi," I finally said, probably too quietly for this woman to hear. However, her face brightened from my greeting, so maybe she did hear me afterall.

"I know you might not remember, but I'm your mom. You can call me by my first name, Blue, if that's easier though."

Her voice was warm and gentle. It was like a memory I couldn't unlock, and yet I wasn't so terrified of this woman at this moment. It was like meeting a memory.

"Okay... I think somewhat remember you,"

"Really?!" The gia- Blue replied. "That makes me so happy. And River we are beyond overjoyed to have finally found you,"

Blue wasn't so scary from a far. She stayed in her chair, not moving too much. That was very helpful. I know I should feel bad that she clearly wasn't moving around for my benefit, but selfishly, it was helping, so I wasn't ready to encourage her not to change on my account.

"Where are we?" I asked, sticking to this brave streak.

"Our house... This is your old room. It looks different from when you were here. Is this okay?"

"Yeah... It's very kind of you to open your home to me,"

A soft laugh rolled out of Blue. "This is your house too! If you want it to be that is. We've been further briefed on the situation, and we won't force you to stay if it's too much. But we'd love to get to know you now. There's not been a day for the past 10 years that I haven't thought about you."

"Thank you," I said, my voice losing the strength it had a moment ago.

"We don't want to overwhelm you, but I'll admit there are two other giants eager to see you. Your dad, Thomas, and your brother, Trent. I don't know if they ring any bells to you, but I promise they'll be on their best behavior. Would it be okay if I let them in?"

Two more giants. Mother earth! That means that it's the two male giants from outside... one of them had picked me up.

"I um don't want to be picked up,"

"Of course. I'm sorry about Trent from earlier. He was reacting on reflex, but he has been thoroughly scolded and won't pull that again,"

"O..k... Um, I guess they can come in then... But I'm going to maybe stay right here if that's okay," I said as I sat back down on the plush bed, as if the covers would somehow save me.

Moments later, the two male giants rumbled into the room. They looked incredibly similar with their long hair pulled into a ponytail, and their similarly tan skin feeling familiar. It's kind of funny how I almost looked biologically related to this family, even though I very clearly am not. I look much more similar to the Reed family than my mo- Kerry Redington.

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