Ch. 43

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"You look beautiful!" Issac said as he crouched down to be eye level with me as I tried my best to stand in Blue's hand. Luckily Blue had helped me order a dress that would still look nice while sitting. The dress was all black, tight at the top, with lace sleeves. The bottom fanned out at the waist, making me feel extra girly. The makeup I applied helped too. I don't think it looked quite as good as when Parisa did it, cuz Blue didn't order as many neutral colors to do the contour thing Parisa showed me, but I did put red lipstick on that made me feel like I looked nice.

Issac looked so handsome right now. His hair looked like perfect ringlets of incredible curls that framed his light brown skin perfectly. His green eyes appeared extra green as the green tie he wore matched them perfectly. Then there's his black suit. Issac is already pretty broad from all the football I guess.The suit made him look so sleek and strong. My body heated from head to toe taking him in. Once inside, Blue transferred me to Issac's awaiting hands so that she could take pictures of us. This is when Thomas appeared with what looked like a forced smile across his face. Thomas has been tense- scratch that, everyone has been tense. I suppose Kerry Reddington knows how to bring on the tension. It had been so nerve wracking having to speak with so many adults about my run in with Kerry. I was embarrassed that I hadn't gone to adults immediately. The entire thing brought on an amalgamation of emotions. For now, I was hoping to forget about all the pending troubles and loose ends, at least for tonight. I could have one good night, right?

"Wait, I almost forgot, I have something for you!" Issac said as he reached into his front pocket and pulled out a tiny case- well the case at least looked tiny in his huge hands. When he brought it closer I saw that the case was like half my size and was made from some type of metal. Issac used his fingers to carefully pop the case open, revealing countless bouquets of roses. Literally sooo many roses. More roses than I'd ever be able to wear around my wrist for the dance. "I know I probably got too many, but I figure you have some for your room and stuff. Also they are really small, so I had to get this many just to be able to smell them. I like these roses! They smell different from giant sized roses, which I know are totally just Erath knock offs,"

"Thank you!" I answered feeling extremely flattered by the gesture.

"No, thank you! I have the prettiest rose of all for the dance!"

Issac was so sweet. I turned and saw Blue and Thomas actually smiled from hearing his words. This was going well. If I could just hold onto this feeling all night, this might actually be fun.

I buttoned my coat up as Issac carried me to the restaurant. He explained the setup of the dance to me. I guess he and I would have to go to the co-ed section, which honestly I didn't mind. Apparently the co-ed section was on the quieter side, which was more my vibe anyways. We arrived at the restaurant, and it appeared that not everyone in Issac's group shared my appreciation for a more toned down, quiet vibe. A group of giants and giantesses were standing around a loud speaker that was blasting a thumping beat. It first reminded me of the loud music from the post football party I'd gone to with Parisa. As soon as a few of the giants in the group spotted Issac and I they started cheering. Their voices put together sent an uncomfortably loud wall of sound towards me that vibrated my entire body. Issac must have felt my tension for he brought me closer to his chest, shielding me from the commotion ahead.

"Sorry," Issac said as he proceeded to step forward. Okay, I wish I was just going with Issac, and not his group of friends. I was used to being around Issac, and certainly not used to being around all these other giants.

"Dude, where's your human?!" a loud deep voice asked.

"Shh, can you guys bring it down," Issac said as he lowered one of his hands, leaving me exposed to the group. No one turned down the music, or so much as lowered their voices. At least none of the boys did. They all left their dates standing on the sidewalk as they barreled towards us. I felt my eyes growing wide. I didn't want to offend any of Isssac's friends, but their sonorous voices and rapid movements were unnerving to say the least.

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