"Oh... uh, should I maybe learn from Jacob first?" I asked, making both giants expressions shift. Issac's eyebrows furrowed as Jacob's jaw hung open. Issac did not look happy. It wasn't my intention to upset him! We had talked about this at the restaurant. Issac had never danced with a human before, so Jacob would show him how to. But was that the reason I replied this way? Was that the reason why I wasn't able to tell Jacob 'no' after he'd asked me to dance?
"There are a few ways we could do this," Jacob began explaining as I moved closer to the railing, ready to learn. Issac stood next to Jacob, watching intently as Jacob began to explain how to dance with his hands. Jacob's huge pointer finger and thumb held one of my hands with a gentleness that surprised me. You'd think someone his size would press down hard, but his touch basically felt like a human holding my hand aside from the lack of intertwining fingers. Jacob's other hand had snaked a finger around my waist, and the dancing began. I barely had to think about the beat as Jacobs' hands nearly lifted me along to the musical pulse.
"I don't think I'd be good at that," Issac said as he came into view over Jacob's shoulder.
"Why?" Jacob asked.
"Aren't you nervous you'll hurt her hand like that? I mean River, I wouldn't do it on purpose, but I'm pointing out that that's a pretty risky move," Issac said, and I'm sure he was blushing despite not being able to make it out through the multicolored lights. Jacob seemed irritated that Issac was cutting in as he let out a dramatic sigh. These ear plugs truly let me hear everything they said despite the music.
"It's not so hard if you have practice," Jacob replied almost defensively.
"I do have practice. I sit with River everyday at lunch, and carry her to like half her classes,"
"And I've been interacting with humans most my life,"
"Um, is there a different way to dance? I asked quickly. Tension had grown in the air between Issac and Jacob and before turning their attention back down to me, the two paused, seemingly sizing the other up.
"First, you should ask if you can pick her up," Jacob explained, and then leaned down and asked if he could pick me up in a whisper. I stepped into his cupped palms and he brought me up towards his chest, and stepped away from the platform. Now, my vision was consumed with all things Jacob. My hands pressed against his blue tie centering his chest. This close I could even smell the fresh scent that took me back to our unexpected time together the other night. Jacob hugged me to his chest now, just as he did the other night. Right now, I could have twisted to try and take in my surroundings, with twinkling lights, other giants, numerous human filled platforms all around us, however, I found myself focusing on Jacob's heart beat. Was it my imagination or was his heart beating to the same beat as the music?
"Are you listening to my heart?" Jacob asked with a hint of amusement behind his voice. Oh no! I'm so awkward. Of course I'm just now realizing I had pressed the side of my face onto his chest so that my ear could better detect the calming beat.
"Sorry!" I chirped, starting to pull back. Jacob's hand gently pressed me tight to his chest, encouraging me to stay put.
"I like it,"
"Me listening to your heart?" I asked awkwardly.
"I like holding you. I like dancing with you." Jacob lifted me higher, gently pressing me against his collar. We continued to sway, not needing to speak any further. This moment felt nice. "I wasn't even going to go to Fall Ball this year. I'm glad I came though,"
"Me too," I replied, and I meant it. Issac, Jacob and Parisa are basically my only friends. While of course I was going to come with Issac, I can't imagine going without Jacob and Parisa there too now. Dinner would have been so intimidating as the only human, and would we have even had normal seats if Jacob hadn't made those people move the pedestals for us? Outside of being huge, Jacob didn't really feel like a giant. Jacob just felt like Jacob.

Found (New Earth Saga)
Teen FictionMeet River. A teenage girl who just found out the woman she's called her mother, is actually a criminal, who illegally adopted her in a blackmarket human trafficking scheme. Now, River, finally found, must return to live with the original family tha...