Ch. 40

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"Jacob, would you like to explain what you're doing here... in bed with RIVER?" Thomas asked. Jacob leapt out of Trent's bed on the side opposite of me, creating vibrative rumbles that nearly threw me off balance.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep-" Jacob began to explain before Thomas cut him off.

"If I remember correctly, you left our house after dinner last night. I don't' remember there being any plans for a slumber party,"

"Right. I'm very sorry, I should go-"

Laying on the end of the bed was Jacob's cellphone that now rang with the name "Dad" flashing across the screen. Thomas looked down and smirked at the buzzing phone.

"Why don't you answer that," Thomas told Jacob.

Jacob took a deep breath before reaching forward to answer his phone before it went to voicemail.

"Dad?" Jacob answered his phone, sounding guilty. I couldn't hear the exact words his dad was saying but I could hear the deep rumble from his voice. His dad did not sound happy. "I-I'm at the Reed's house..."

Thomas held his hand out gesturing for Jacob to hand his phone over. Thomas and Blue had known Jacob for over a decade, and the ease at which they slipped into a parental, or at least extended parental role, was clear. Jacob quickly handed his phone to Thomas, who smiled as he began to speak to Mr. Mangello.

"Good morning Joe... No, believe me, we're as surprised as you. We just found him sharing a bed with River,"

Okay, when he said "sharing a bed" it sounded much more scandalous than I think it was. We hadn't actually done anything other than fall asleep... near each other...on a surface that happened to be a bed, but where else would Jacob have sat in this room... Okay so I guess technically he shouldn't have been in the room at all. I knew this was against the rules to have friends over this late.

"This is my fault, I'm the one who called Jacob," I said, for once speaking up.Thomas put Mr. Mangello, Joe, on speaker before looking at me with a tense gaze.

"But it was my idea to actually come over," Jacob added.

"That's cuz I was having a bad night a-and you were just trying to help,"

"And then I accidentally fell asleep. I meant to go home, I swear,"

"Right. Jacob, my current concern is with how my daughters bed made it across the room... and how she made it into the same bed as you,"

"And you thought it was a good idea to fall asleep so close to a human! You could have hurt her!" Jacob's dad bellowed from the speaker phone.

"I know, I-I'm really sorry,"

I think I disassociated from the rest of the conversation. I heard Jacob's dad apologize to Blue and Thomas before Jacob took him off speaker, and stepped into the hall to continue speaking on the phone. Thomas had looked at me, shook his head, and then walked out of the room. Blue now awkwardly stood near the dresser I was on, getting my backpack together for school. I was still going to school, right?

"Blue, I'm really sorry. I knew this was against the rules. I won't do anything like this again,"

Blue turned, and lowered herself so she was level with the dresser. "River, I'm actually really surprised after we just met Issac. I guess I would have expected to find you like this with the boy you're going to Fall Ball with,"

"I know! I-I'm sorry. I feel so bad. I won't-"

"Look, I know how complicated high school can be, but please be careful. We'd never not support a mixed relationship, but Jacob should realize how potentially dangerous it is to... he could have rolled over and you would have been... You can't put us through that River,"

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