A new generation with a twist

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I figured when I arrived home from another state, my life would get better. Wrong! I came home to the Harper cousins, who happened to be the hottest boys on our street. Well, if you forgo their personalities, then sure.

Let's see. You had Valentino, aka Tino, who's the oldest. He made it his lifelong mission to stay in my stratosphere when I tried to avoid him. He also had killer looks that girls drooled over. And he was deaf. I wonder if he turned off his hearing aids to avoid girls at school.

Next, you have Preston. He had an attitude problem. If you blink at him wrong, he has no issue knocking you on your ass. In his words, take a picture. It will last longer. Yeah, okay. Who wants a picture of your stupid ass?

Then, you had Ryan and River and their stupid pranks. They didn't care who you were. You were fair game, and so were your underwear. If they could string your bra on the flagpole at school to salute everyone, they would. Or read your journal if you have one. I didn't have a stupid journal to give them ammunition. People thought they were twins because they tended to share a brain at times. They weren't.

And then there is Michael, coming up the rear. The guy spent more time making out with girls than he paid attention in class. The only time he got tongue-tied was around Bria. I warned Bria not to date that lothario. He needs to keep it in his pants, not flaunt it like the good Lord gave him.

I will never understand these boys. But then again, I never did. I had flashes of them in my memory, but they didn't look the same. It became confusing to me. I couldn't figure out why I felt drawn to them.

It must be from us growing up together.

My friends and I hit the stores to buy school clothes. My dad gave me his credit card and told me to get what I needed and not go hog wild. I would never abuse my dad's trust and rack up a massive bill for him. That's not me.

"So, how's it going with the Harper cousins?" Kass asked me.

I grabbed a couple of pairs of jeans from a shelf. "It's like living next door to a prison with inmates."

"Yeah, hot inmates. Those boys are fine as hell."

"You're telling me," Chelle said, grabbing a couple of tops.

"Eh, they're okay," Lena said, grabbing a skirt.

"What? You don't drool over the Harper cousins like every girl at school does?" Bria asked Lena.

"Why would I drool over those losers?" Lena gave her a pointed look.

"How are we twins?" Chelle cocked her head and scrunched her nose at Lena.

"I didn't eat you in utero," Lena deadpanned.

"Can't you two behave? You sound like you did the first go around," Kass told Lena and Chelle.

The twins shrugged.

I scratched my head and scrunched my face. What did Kass mean the first go around?

"We should finish up and head to the local ice cream parlor," Bria suggested.

"Yep," the others agreed.

Ice cream? I thought we were grabbing a burger.


My cousins and I peeked around a rack and watched Misty and the girls talking.

"What are they doing? How hard is it to drag someone' ass to the next destination?" Ryan asked.

Preston looked at Ryan with his arms crossed. "You're talking about our women, trying to convince his woman to move it. She wasn't dazzling the first time. She's proving me right again."

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