Watch and learn, boys and girls

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Once Tino and his cousins grabbed the makeshift jails and wiring, Ryan called his mom's family to ask about any abandoned buildings. They gave us a location. As much as I wanted an open field, It's almost Thanksgiving and freaking cold outside.

We texted our parents and told them we were studying at the library for an upcoming test in history class. Does our history count? It was a plausible explanation.

Tino grabbed wire cutters from his dad's tools. Val won't miss a few missing wire cutters. It's not like we wouldn't return them.

We drove to the abandoned warehouse and parked. Now, this is where it gets a bit tricky. The doors were locked with boarded-up windows. So, we had Preston get us inside when Ryan taunted him with Bryson's name. Preston blew off the steel door from its hinges. Yeah, Nixon still hated Bryson, but that worked in our favor.

The guys carried in the makeshift jails and assembled them while the girls and I had in the wiring and tools. Once the guys constructed the jails, I cut off the zip ties around the rolled wire. Tino, Michael, and Ryan started stripping the wires from their coating.

I took the exposed wire and wrapped it all around one makeshift jail until it had wiring covering the entire inside now for Ryan to play his part since he could attract crazies faster than Romeo could establish a new dating site.

Ryan called Carly and spun a bullshit lie about how he and his cousins were wrong about her and stupid friends. He even found a location for them to hook up in. Most girls with intelligence wouldn't fall for Ryan's bullshit. These girls weren't dazzling.

The girls covered the makeshift jails with black sheets to make them appear as hidden rooms. Their fort-building skills still impress me.

The girls and I hid while Tino and the cousins waited for the deranged Smurf brigade. It didn't take Satan's
Spawn long to arrive at the destination. The guys turned on the charm thick. My friends and I rolled our eyes because the guys were terrible at acting sexy. No, they were. Hopefully, Tino doesn't use that charm on me. I'll be too busy laughing to take him seriously.

Satan's spawn lapped the guy's attention like they were stuck in the desert—thirsty bitches.

The guys led Trina and her minions to the makeshift room. Once they stepped inside, the guys closed and locked the doors.

"What the hell is this?" Trina snarled.

The girls and I stepped out of hiding places and walked toward Trina. The other girls rattled the cage doors while yelling. Lena and Chelle snapped their fingers as the other four girls passed out.

"Those bitches were giving me a headache," Lena said.

"Let me out of here!" Trina screamed while yanking on the bars.

I stepped toward Trina with my arms folded and stopped in front of her. "I wouldn't waste your breath, Tiffany." My lips curled into a devious smile.

Trina stopped shaking the cage door and smirked at me. "And here I thought you were still dumb."

I cocked my head and clicked my tongue. "Oh, that's where you're wrong. I was never dumb. You were too stupid to notice."

"Do you think a cage will hold me? I spent years pledging my allegiance to Bryson."

"Yeah, we heard about your crazy ways from your granddaughter. Wait. Your granddaughter married into our family and carried on our legacy," Preston said.

Trina gripped the bars and pressed her face against them. "Nora was always weak. She couldn't defend herself against her father. She always needed someone to rescue her. She's pathetic."

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