Senior skip day

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After surviving spring break, senior skip day had arrived. Of course, the seniors headed to Cedar Pointe without parental supervision for once. We were eighteen and graduating in a few weeks.

We arrived at the park, paid, and entered before hitting the rides. Tino dragged me in the opposite direction when I mentioned the Ferris wheel. Well, he's no fun.

So, I dragged him on the coasters. Surprisingly, Tino rode them without complaint. That was a shocker. How the hell does he hate the Ferris Wheel but ride the Millennium Force? My boyfriend makes no sense.

We rode different rides until we took a break and ate. The others found us and joined us with their food. A few minutes later, Thor and Loki joined us.

"How did you persuade your dad to let you skip?" Preston asked.

"It's senior skip day," Thor said.

"In other words, Ma said we would be with you," Loki said.

Diego strolled toward us and sat on top of the picnic table.

"Where's your better half?" Ryan asked.

"That fool is working instead of skipping," Diego said.


"Beats the hell out of me." Diego shrugged.

"Does anyone realize ten Harpers are graduating this year?" River asked.

"That's if Karlene can pass Pat's class," Diego said.

"Ah, hell. My dad will pass her so he doesn't have her again," Preston said.

We laughed.

Damien and Brody were graduating in three years because of their birthdays. Thor and Loki's older brother, Caspiam, is in college. When he's home, Thor and Loki can't run amuck. Someone needs to keep them in line.

"Is your brother coming to graduation?" Tino asked the twins.

"Unfortunately," Thor said.

"Damn," River said.

"Caspiam already threatened to beat our asses if we embarrass Ma and Dad at graduation," Loki said.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure Tino and his cousins will do something stupid," Diego said.

"You make us sound like heathens," Preston said.

"Can you blame me?"

Preston smirked while Tino and his cousins had guilty expressions. What did they have planned?


My cousins and I had something planned for graduation. We didn't tell anyone, including Misty or the girls. We wanted to leave our mark on graduation. However, it might get us arrested.

It wouldn't be us if it didn't involve the police.

After eating, we hit more rides and stayed away from the funhouse. After our last experience, we didn't want a repeat of trying to escape our deaths.

Misty and I took a breather from the rides and walked around the park, checking out the different games.

"I'm sorry if it seems like I'm in a hurry to take our relationship to the next level," I mentioned.

"Why? Are you afraid I'll run off with hot, dark, and crazy?" Misty grinned.

"No. I wanted to share a special moment between us."

"Tino, you don't need to rush into sex to cement a relationship. People make the mistake of thinking you do."

"Can I ask you a question?"

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