Valentine's Day shenanigans

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Valentine's Day is the day of love and romance unless you're Val, Tino, and the cousins. Then, it's your birthday. If your last name is Harper, your parents stare at you while you sit in the clink. If you associate with the Harpers, you have joined them while your parents stare at you, wondering how you got here. Hell, I'm still trying to figure it out.

I should start from the beginning and explain how our stint in the big house involved a hooker house and a horse.

It started when Tino woke me up to surprise me with a heart-shaped box of chocolates. While I appreciate the gesture, I didn't enjoy getting tackled in my bed. I shoved Tino out of my bed, and he landed on the floor with a thud. I leaned over while he looked up at me from his spot. "When will you ever learn not to wake me up?"

"Probably never." Tino shrugged.

I shook my head, climbed out of bed, and grabbed a box from my closet before handing it to Tino. "Happy birthday, you fool."

Tino took the box, sat up, and lifted the lid before his lips curved into a smile. "You got me a cupcake."

"Of course I did. Did you think I forgot?" I raised my brow.

Tino closed the lid, set the box on my nightstand, and moved to my bed beside me. "Nope, I was hoping you didn't."

I leaned over and kissed Tino before getting up and using the bathroom.

Now, the morning started like every other morning. We ate breakfast after Tino's impromptu wrestling match in my bed. After breakfast, I showered and changed so we could spend the day together.

Everything was fine until the cousins put their demon skills to use. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole situation.


I was hoping to spend Valentine's Day and my birthday with Misty. That was the plan until my idiot cousins and their girls changed it.

Ryan and River bought one of those EMF detectors from Amazon. Michael helped them attach the crucifix to it, hoping to catch a demon's energy. Don't ask me why. Preston visited a spiritual shop to buy sage, stones, and other relics, thinking it would help. Oh, it helps, alright. Those dumbasses landed themselves into trouble when they followed a random stranger to a hooker house. It didn't help their girls dressed up in skimpy clothes to act like a lady of the night.


Preston called me and had to whisper so no one would catch him on the phone. He gave me the address so Misty and I could rescue their stupid asses before our families found out. This is where shit goes south for everyone.

I drove to the address that Preston gave me while Misty sat in the front seat.

"Explain to me again why your cousin and the girls are at a hooker house?"

"That stupid EMF meter Ryan and River bought from Amazon led them to the hooker house."


"They said it detected demon energy from a random stranger. The stranger entered the hooker's house."

"How did your cousins get inside?"

"The girls acted like ladies of the night and let them inside."

Misty shook her head and rolled her eyes. Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

We found the address and parked a block away from it. I don't need anyone towing my car, and I explained it to my dad. We approached the house and walked around, trying to glimpse into it, hoping to spot my idiot cousins and their equally idiot girls.

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