You're an ass

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I've only been here a few days, but it felt like forever as chaos erupted between me and the cousins. Let me show you.

"Give me back my bra, you ass!" I yelled while chasing Michael down the hallway while he swung my bra around like it was a trophy: trophy, my ass. Wait until I get my hands on him.

"River, catch!" Michael tossed River my brow.

I spun on my heel and darted for River before he tossed it to Ryan. "Give me back my bra!" I jumped for my bra while the idiot cousins played keep away.

I finally had enough and kicked Michael in the nuts once he caught my bra. He dropped to his knees while coughing. I hauled off and decked him before snatching my bra from his hands.

"Damn!" Ryan and River winced.

The cousins might have pent-up energy, but so do I.

Tino and Preston reached the top floor and stopped when they noticed Michael lying on the floor, curled in a fetal position while holding his boys.

"What happened to halfwit one?" Preston pointed at Michael.

"Misty nailed Michael in the boys before clocking him," Ryan said.

"What did Michael do?" Tino asked.

"Stole her bra and played keep away from her," River said.

Preston looked at Tino with his hands shoved in his front pockets. "You would think the little dipshit would learn after years of living with your crazy ass woman."

Tino rolled his eyes before slapping Preston upside the back of the head. Then, Tino guided me into my bedroom before I unleashed more damage on his idiot cousins. I opened a dresser drawer, shoved my bra into it, and closed it.

"Do you feel better?" Tino asked me.

"Michael is lucky I didn't rip his nuts off and feed them to him. What is wrong with him?"

"Have you met my cousins?" Tino arched his brow at me.

"I used to live with them when you were all brothers."

"Then, you would understand why you shouldn't ask that question."

I gave Tino an annoyed look. He was still Nash but in a different body. We heard footsteps leave down the steps, which meant the cousins were heading to the construction site.

"How did you get out of the afterschool punishment?" I asked.

"I didn't blow out the patio door." Tino shrugged.

"I don't think your uncles thought things through when they handcuffed your cousins to the patio doors." I raised my finger.

"My uncles never think things through. They lost me when I was three in my own damn house."

I raised my brow.

"My dad told them to watch me. They didn't. He and Ma found me with you."

"At least you didn't roam far." I smirked.

"Only because I wanted to be close to you."

Before I could answer, my phone rang with an incoming video chat from my dad. I didn't hesitate to answer it. "Hey, Dad."

"Hey, sis," my dad said.

"How's the training going?"

"I'm sure learning a lot. They're teaching me the ins and outs of management. How are things there?"

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