Pranks galore

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You would think Trina would get the hint after the billions of times Tino and his cousins issued them to her. Nope, she didn't. Her stupid friends didn't learn, either. They kept bothering the guys while they retaliated in their own unique way.

While we enjoyed the show, Ryan and River took things to a whole new level. I could have warned them that Ryan and River take no prisoners, but what fun would that be?

They rigged Trina and her minion's locker with exploding honey and glitter. The minute they opened their locker doors, they got hit with the honey before the glitter. They looked like deranged unicorns.

Oh, it didn't stop there.

Ryan replaced their shampoo with Nair, while River put blue dye in their body wash. Then they replaced their clothes with ones that made them look like a deranged glittery Smurf.

Trina and her posse had to walk around like bald Smurfs dressed in glittery clothes. Of course, we snapped a billion pictures for their next prank. It wasn't long before River uploaded a meme of the Smurf brigade titled Papa Smurf called. He wants his deranged Smurfs back.

Everyone at school laughed when they opened their messages and saw the meme. Trina and her stupid friends bolted from the school while screaming. It couldn't happen to nice skanks.


I got to hand it to Ryan and River. They take no prisoners when it comes to pranks. But it didn't help when Principal Weston called us into his office to find out if we were behind it.

Uncle Pat came and vouched for us, claiming we were with him. Yeah, that was a lie. We hadn't seen him since the first hour.

Principal Weston checked the video footage and found no evidence of our involvement. It helps when you erase the footage.

So, he let us go without a warning.

Once we were far from the office, Uncle Pat looked at the ten of us. "I don't want to know how you did it."

"Did what?" Preston asked.

Uncle Pat looked at Preston before shaking his head and walking away. We started walking to our next class.

"You know this isn't over," Michael said.

"No, but it doesn't mean we can't keep messing with that twit," Preston said.

"How much longer until we take down the bitch?" Ryan asked.

"We'll give her until after the holidays. Either she leaves, or we make her."

We nodded in agreement.


Tino slid his hand into mine and interlocked our fingers while we walked to class. I don't remember high school being this savage. Then again, we weren't dealing with the evil spawn and his faithful sidekick.

"I know that look," Tino said.

I glanced at Tino. "What look?"

"The one where you regret having a crush on that douche."

"I made the mistake of overlooking his asshole personality because I thought he was dreamy."

Tino raised his brow.

"I should have realized it was a freaking nightmare."

Tino laughed.

We walked into class and took our seats as the teacher taught science. Now, here is the thing about science: it teaches you many ideas to implement when you're battling Satan's spawn and stupid sidekick.

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