A week's suspension, pft

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Since I got suspended from school and grounded for a week, I had to find something to do. Tino, Ryan, River, and Michael had to work with their dads, which Ed thrilled them to no end. Pat shipped Preston off to help Oliver for a week. Preston thought it was the ideal situation until Oliver made him wax the pews. Better him than me.

While my dad was at work, I decided to venture into the attic and organize it. Totes and boxes were stacked haphazardly, making it impossible to move. I'll fix that and organize the mess into sections.

I checked totes before stacking them in their rightful places and labeled the boxes. It amazes me how much shit we collected throughout the years. I lifted the lid from one tote and found my mother's keepsakes. She had cards, photo albums, letters, and trinkets.

I sat on the totes and rummaged through the contents. It was interesting to learn about my mom through her stuff. Then I came across an unmarked envelope and opened it to find a letter addressed to me.

Misty Margaret,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wrote it in case anything happened to me. Call it an inkling, but I wanted you to have something from me.

Your daddy is a good man. He always has been since we were kids. However, Mary Sue didn't know what she missed out on when she rejected your daddy. Her loss was my gain.

I couldn't help but grin.

Anyway, I don't want to talk about some harlot.

I giggled.

Your daddy courted me since your grandpa wanted to ensure I picked a good man. Your grandparents weren't happy when we left home to move north. But your daddy wanted to provide for us. He couldn't do that back home.

We took a chance when your daddy received a job offer. They would provide us with a comfortable life. We rented a small place when we contacted a construction company to build a house for us. We didn't want anything fancy but a place to hang our hats.

You wouldn't believe how lovely Mr. Harper was when he offered to build our dream home at a reasonable price. Your daddy and I agreed to wait until they make our house. We knew it would be all worth it.

Money didn't mean anything to us since we had each other. You cannot take it with you when you leave this life. Plus, does it matter if you have someone who loves you?

I couldn't help but smile.

Misty, you will face challenges throughout your life. Someone will try to interfere with your happiness. Your daddy and I had it happen to us. But our love helped us to weather our storm and become resilient.

Whatever happens, always follow your heart. It will lead you home. Home is where the heart is and wants what it wants. When you find your heart, you'll find your home.

Never doubt how much I love you. The Lord blessed your daddy and me when he gave you to us. I will always watch over you.

Love forever and always,
Your momma

I smiled at my mom's letter before folding it and replacing it. I'll keep it safe when I need it.

I pulled out a photo album and flipped through it. It had pictures of my mom, her family, and my dad. I reached the final page and saw pictures of her pregnant with me.

The newest addition to the Reeves family—Misty Margaret. I can't wait to meet you!

A tear dripped down my cheek. I brushed it away before placing the photo album in the tote.

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