First day of senior high school

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I was having the most fabulous dream until something heavy collided with me. I groaned when I realized it was Tino. He did this on the first day of school since we were five.

"I already set my alarm," I groaned.

"You sleep through your alarm."

"When have I ever slept through my alarm? You always wake me up before it goes off."

"Hence why you never oversleep."

"Get off!" I shoved Tino off of me.

He fell onto his back on the bed. My dad appeared in the doorway and chuckled.

I pushed myself into a seated position and looked at my dad. "Why are you laughing?

"Because some things never change." Dad shook his head and chuckled.

"Shouldn't you chase a boy out of my bedroom and threaten to shoot him for seeing your daughter in her PJs?"

"Tino knows the rules." My dad shrugged.

"You're a big help." I sighed.

"Now, Tino is one boy I don't need to worry about." My dad wagged his finger at me. My dad was a bit naive when it came to Tino. "Come on, Tino. Let's give Misty some privacy to get dressed."

Tino climbed over me and followed my dad downstairs while I got ready for school. I showered quickly and dried my hair before pulling on a pair of ripped jeans, a blue top, and black flats.

Tino spotted me entering the kitchen. "Nice rocket look."

I playfully shoved his head. "Shut up."

"It was a compliment." Tino rolled his eyes.

"Sure it was." I sat at the table and placed pancakes on my plate before slathering them with butter and syrup. I added bacon because, well, it's bacon.

My dad ate breakfast with us before leaving for work. I dipped my bacon into the syrup before taking a bite.

"Are you ready for your first day?" Dad asked.

"I'm ready for high school to end." I took a bite of my food.

"Now, Misty Margaret."

"Dad, it's high school." I shrugged.

Dad raised his hands in defeat. "Okay, but try to stay out of trouble."

"Don't worry, West. I'll protect her." Tino smirked at me.

"The only one I need protection from is you," I retorted.

"You won't make this easy for me, will you?"

"Not a chance."

We finished breakfast and left the house. Dad headed to work while Tino drove us to school.

"How come your idiot cousins didn't ride with us?"

"Did you want to ride with my idiot cousins?" Tino glanced at me with an arched brow.

"On second thought, no."

"Then you have your answer." Tino pulled into the school parking lot.

We got out and headed inside to our lockers. Let me break it down for you. I drew the short straw and got stuck with my locker in between the cousins. It's been that way throughout school. It didn't help their other cousins were in the same vicinity as us.

We walked up to find Preston holding a guy up by his neck while the others leaned against their lockers.

Tino opened his locker. "What are you doing?"

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