New look, same old brothers

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Misty and I filled in my cousins about what conspired on Saturday night. Needless to say, they were less than enthused, especially Preston.

Preston slammed his locker door shut with a bang. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding you?" I asked.

"Please tell us this is a sick joke," Ryan said.

"I would, but it's not." I grabbed his books before closing his locker door.

"How long has this thing been hunting the family?" River asked.

"According to Tino and everyone, since Grammy Gray was a kid," Micheal said.

"What else did dear old Aunt Liz tell you?" Preston asked.

"You don't want to know. She offered to show me the ugly, which I refused. I didn't want to see the worst," I said.

"That would include our dads." River sighed.

Uncle Rafe and our dads were highly protective of us. They wouldn't allow us to play in the front yard or visit anyone's house unless they agreed. The few neighbors were the exception for obvious reasons.

"Well, whatever this thing is, it met its match," Preston said.

My cousins nodded in agreement.

"Don't look now, but the slut brigade is heading this way," Michael said.

We lifted our gaze to see Trina and her friends sashaying toward us. They stopped when they reached us.

"Hey, Tino." Trina licked her lips as her eyes roamed my body. "I haven't seen you in a while."

Preston scoffed.

Trina's face snapped to Preston. "I wasn't talking to you."

"Nope, you were. I don't talk to hoes since I have standards." Preston smirked.

"Too bad I won't lower my standards for you."

"Works for me. You saved me from your pathetic attempt at seductiveness. But then again, it doesn't take much when you spread your legs." Preston clamped my shoulder and looked at me. "By the way, how was the troll?"

"My shoe had a tighter fit." I shrugged.

Trina's face contorted to fury. "That's a damn lie!"

"Hate to break it to you, but Uncle Val doesn't like liars. He would beat Tino's ass if Tino lied. So, Tino speaks the truth," Ryan said.

"I wasn't talking to you," Trina hissed.

"Thank god for small favors."

"I'm still waiting for our date, Ryan." Carly crossed her arms, pushing up her breasts.

"Keep on waiting, you halfwit."

"I'll tell my dad, and he'll make sure no one hires your family." Carly smirked.

"Go ahead. We'll tell our family," Michael said.

"Like your family can do anything." Carly scoffed.

"Wow, you're an idiot. Ryan and Michael come from the Jones family since their mothers do. You might have heard of Ryan Jones and Dylan Frazier," River said.

Carly's eyes widened as her color drained from her face.

"So, you did hear about them. That's a plus. I figured you would still run your pie hole and lodge your foot deeper. Let me break it down for you dumbshits." River put out fingers to emphasize his points. "You have the Jones, the Grays, and the Harpers who can't stand stupid people. But since your tiny brains haven't gotten the point, I'm like my dad, where we don't give a shit if we hurt your feelings. So, with that, fuck off." River waved off Trina and the hoe patrol.

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