The crazy train derailed and smacked into insanityville

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When school ended, Tino and I headed to his grandparents' house. He parked in the driveway, and we got out, heading to the house. Tino opened the door and entered, with me following him.

"Hey, Tino. Does your dad know where you are?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah, I texted him before we left school. Is Grammy around?" Tino asked.

"Yeah, she's in the kitchen baking cookies."

Tino walked into the kitchen as Matthew cocked his head and studied me.

"Relax, Matthew." I smiled.

"Misty, you're the only one I will allow to call me Misty."

My smile grew.

"Come on before Tino eats all the cookies."

I followed Matt into the kitchen while Nora set a plate of cookies on the table. I sat beside Tino at the table and grabbed a cookie. Matt poured milk into glasses before setting them in front of us and sitting down.

Nora joined us after turning off the oven. "What brings you to our neck of the woods?"

"Misty has some questions for you," Tino said.

Nora looked at me with a smile. "What kind of questions?"

"What was your grandmother like?" I asked.

Confusion flooded Nora's face. "Why do you want to know about my grandmother?"

"It's a long, convoluted story."

"Tino, what's going on?" Matt asked.

Tino glanced at me and shifted in his chair. "We knew Tiffany in our past life. I know it doesn't make sense."
Tino shook his head. "But it does to us."

Matt glanced at Nora. "It's up to you if you want to tell them."

Nora nodded. "Well, my grandmother was crazy. She constructed this shrine for her high school boyfriend, Bryson. My sister, brother, and I didn't understand why until later when we found out she pushed our mother to pursue Bryson's nephew."

"Wait. Your mother was married to Mike and Sarah's son?" I asked.

Nora nodded. "My dad hated the Gray family for years. He wasn't happy when Britt and I fell in love with their family members. But Britt and I knew nothing about the family history, not until Matt and Patton's family explained it to us."

"When you said your grandmother was crazy, how crazy?"

"The crazy train derailed and smacked into insanityville. I avoided her like the plague. Something wasn't right about her."

"That explains so much."

"So, what's with the questions about my grandmother?"

Tino and I exchanged glances before Tino told his grandparents about what we suspected with Banks and Trina. We weren't sure if they would believe us or not.

Matt rubbed his jaw while pondering what Tino said. "I would like to say it sounds crazy, but it makes sense with everything that happened recently."

"You believe me?" Tino asked.

Matt nodded. "Your dad spent months searching for a logical explanation for what was happening to your ma and aunts. He even visited a psychiatrist and a medium to find out information. Your nana was the first one that suspected the possibility of reincarnation. So, yeah, I believe you."

"Well, that's a relief." Tino sighed.

"I would be careful. My grandmother wasn't in her right mind when she was alive. If what you're saying is true, she'll become even more unhinged," Nora advised us.

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