Run for cover! The beast has awoken!

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I shot up in bed while having my uterus ripped into two. Holy hell! Mother Nature enjoys torturing me to no end. I groaned while clenching my stomach before dragging my cramping ass from bed. I needed a pad, pain relief, and chocolate. Two out of three weren't bad. I got the pad and pain relief. I needed the chocolate.

My bedroom door opened, and my dad spotted me curled into a ball on my bed. He promptly shut the door without saying a word. Then, the door opened again. Chocolate bars flew through my room and landed on my bed before the door closed again.

"Thanks, Dad!"

"Tell the beast I will return with more offerings in a bit!"

I would laugh if my uterus would stop splitting into two.


I didn't get a chance to open the front door to Misty's house when West exited.

"We're making a run to the store," West told me.


"The beast has returned."

"Say no more."

West and I climbed into his car and headed to the grocery store. When we arrived, we ran into my cousins.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Trying not to die a slow and painful death," Ryan said.

"Let me guess. Mother Nature hit them?"

My cousins nodded in response.

West grabbed a shopping cart. "Okay, boys. We need chocolate and lots of it."

"Should we get them a card?" River asked.

"Why?" Ryan asked.

"Wouldn't it make them feel better? Sorry Mother Nature hates you or some shit?"

"How did you survive your ma when Mother Nature hit her?" Michael asked.

"Dad took care of Ma. I never worried about this shit."

"If I were you, I would start now," West said.

River raised his brow.

We headed to the chocolate aisle and tossed bags of chocolate into the cart. We added pads and Midol for good measure—anything to soothe the beast.


Being a woman sucks ass. Instead of Mother Nature saying you're not pregnant, she toys with us once a month. Here, let me rip through your uterus and shed it. I'll give you cramps, mood swings, and bloating and turn you into a beast.

It's such bullshit if you ask me to find out you're not pregnant. It's not like it matters since Tino and I haven't taken that next step yet. It's a little tricky when you have adults present. I'm sure Tino wants to keep his boys.

I cuddled my pillow when my bedroom door opened.

Tino entered with a candy bag and sat on the side of my bed. "I got you your favorite candy since you're miserable." He handed me a bag of Reese Cups.

I took them and raised my brow at him.

"I also got the assorted bags of candy bars if you weren't in the mood for Reese Cups." He dumped the plastic shopping bag on my bed.

"I'll eat some later. Right now, I'm trying not to move."

"Do you need anything?"

"Not at the moment."

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