What is this bullshit?

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After my unfortunate episode with drinking, I will never accept a drink from anyone I don't know. I learned my lesson quickly when people prove they're shady as fuck.

The boys, on the other hand, searched for the asshole who gave me the three spiked drinks. Yep, the douche gave me three. How I survived is beyond me. But I did with my memory intact for once.

Tino and his cousins found out who had the house party and threatened to electrocute his ass if he didn't confess to the identity of said douche. The guy couldn't tell him because he didn't know after showing the video footage of the security cameras.

River isolated the video to provide a picture to show people at school. No one recognized him, including Kass. That meant one thing. This thing that embodied Banks and Bryson was changing tactics for us. It emulated Ryan's voice and slipped me the drugged drinks.

How the hell do we destroy this thing if it keeps changing its tactics? We get smarter.

It didn't help that Oakridge got hit with a freakish snowstorm right before Christmas break in December. Mother Nature couldn't wait until Christmas to snow? Christmas Eve and Christmas are fine for snow. Then it can go away. Nope, the bitch loves to make us miserable.

At least we got a snow day.

Since Dad had to work, I hung out with Tino at his house. His cousins, the girls, Pat, Rowan, Kadia, and Val, also hung out with us. I doubt we would do anything with the adults hanging around us.

Kadia and Rowan made everyone hot cocoa except for Val. He drank black coffee since he wasn't a fan of sweets. How can you not like sweets? It's blasphemy if you ask me.

We set up a board game and played since we had nothing better to do with our time. While we played, the lights flickered before going out.

"Nice going, Tino," Preston said.

"It wasn't me," Tino said.

"Then explain the power outage, you knob," Ryan said.

"Settle down. I'll check the main." Val left the kitchen to check the main breaker.

Kadia checked outside and noticed all the power out. "I think the storm caused the power outage."

Val returned a few minutes later. "It's not the main. Power's out. I'll get a fire started. Everyone into the living room."

You didn't need to tell me twice.

"We'll help Leokadia grab blankets," Pat said.

Kadia, Pat, and Rowan left to gather blankets, so we didn't freeze to death.

I sat on the couch and snuggled up to Tino while the girls did the same with the cousins. Kadia, Pat, and Rowan returned with blankets and handed them to everyone before keeping a few for themselves. Val got a fire going and joined Kadia on the couch.

"How long do you think the power will be out?" Tino asked Val.

"It depends on the storm. But no one is leaving until it lets up."

"I need to call my dad before he flips out," River said.

Val nodded in agreement.

"Now that we have time to kill, we never discussed this whole return bit," Pat mentioned.

"What do you want to know?" Preston asked.

"Anything you want to tell us."

"We have memories of our past life. But it's like a dream," Ryan said.

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