Run, Forrest, run

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We managed to survive spring break at the cabin without too many issues. Oh, who was I kidding?

My dad and Val took us hiking through the trails on our last day. Alana and Kadia stayed at the cabin to get dinner ready. Yeah, right. They didn't want to go hiking with us. Don't let them fool you with their lame ass excuse.

We carried water bottles so we didn't get dehydrated while hiking. My dad and Val ordered us to stick to the path and not veer into the woods. Do we want to get poison ivy again? We spent three days dealing with the itch. No, thank you.

Who doesn't like walking on a nature trail and seeing Mother Nature's beautiful landscape? The boys didn't.

"Uncle Val, how much farther are we walking?" Preston asked.

"Don't you enjoy communing with nature?" Ryan asked.

"No. I prefer to commune inside a house."

"Who cares? All you and Tino do is play your stupid game and yell at each other," River said.

"Don't bug on a high score. I worked my ass for that score." Preston thumbed at himself.

"Good for you. Now, can we stop talking about it?" Michael asked, getting annoyed.

"Who pissed in your Cheerios?" Ryan asked.

"Bria told me the girls are sharing a house at college."

"Say what?" River asked.

Michael nodded. "Our parents don't trust us to keep our shit in check."

"It's not like our parents can stop us when they drop us off," Ryan said.

"Did you forget my dad runs the sister company?" Tino asked.


Our parents had Val install a video security system into the two houses to monitor us. Our parents said, "They trusted us as far as they could throw us." In other words, they didn't trust us at all. Smart people. I wouldn't trust us, either.

My dad and Val enjoyed their bromance while the cousins bitched about school. The girls were talking about prom. Tino and I trailed everyone.

"So, I was thinking," Tino said.

"I thought I smelled something burning."

Tino rolled his eyes as I giggled. "Cute. No, I was thinking about Prom."


Tino leaned into me. "I wanted to know if you wanted to get a room."

"Isn't that a bit cliche?"

"It's not like it's our first time."

"Are you sure? It's a big step in our relationship."

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

"Okay. How do we explain this to our dads?"

"The girls and my cousins have that covered. We're renting two rooms and having an after-party."

"Our parents will never buy it." I shook my head.

"They will when we check in with them with FaceTime." Tino gave me a knowing look.

I raised my brow before shaking my head. "You can't possibly think our parents are that stupid. They'll know we're lying since your cousins can't keep their shit in check."


"Tino, quit whining. I don't want to sneak around so you can get laid. It'll happen when it happens." I shrugged.

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