Thankful for chaos

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Since the weather was decent, we played touch football outside, a tradition for Aunt Sage and Aunt Bailey's family. Grandma Sydney and Grandpa Greg joined us. Grandma Sydney and Grammy cooked while the rest of us played football. Uncle Nate, Uncle Gabe, and their family joined us. Grandpa Matt made Nana and Uncle Gabe captains.

Have you met our nana and uncle? They fight more than they play. They picked teams while dividing us into two teams. Of course, Misty was on Uncle Gabe's team. What is this bullshit? I wanted her on my team.

"Will you quit pouting, Tino? At least you get to celebrate with your girl," Preston said.

"I still wanted Misty on my team," I said.

"Oh, boo hoo. Suck it up, buttercup," Ryan said.

"Can we get this game going so I can stuff my face? I'm freaking hungry," Michael said.

"You could stand to lose a few pounds," River said, patting Michael's stomach.

Yep, that's all they wrote. Michael jumped on River. Ryan jumps on Michael, and Preston lands on Ryan. Someone nailed me in the face with their fist. I retaliated and beat the hell out of them.

"Christ," Grandpa Elias said when he noticed my cousins and I brawling.

"I thought we were playing tag football. When did it turn into Thursday night fights?" Roman asked.

"When Elias's grandsons can't keep their hands to themselves," Nate said.

Yep, we were that family. I got pissed and zapped River's ass.

He hopped around and rubbed his ass. "Damn, Tino! I didn't hit you! Ryan did!"

I jolted Ryan. He flew through the air and landed on his back on the ground. He sat up and shook his head as Preston laughed. Michael clocked Preston in the mouth.

Eventually, our dads had to break it up and lock us in the makeshift jail cells. Yes, we returned the cells to Grandpa after he chained us to the patio door. It was better than sharing a shirt, which he made us do when we were little.

Grandpa Elias sat with us while we served our time. "You boys need to learn how to behave yourselves before your nana's parents, uncles, and cousins figure out the truth."

"You're asking a lot from us, Grandpa," Preston said.

"You forget I raised your dad, the hellraisers. I grew up with brothers. We would duke it out while your Grammy had to referee us."

"What about Grandpa Matt?" Ryan asked.

"Oh, Dad dealt with us when Mom couldn't."

"So, why are you babysitting us and not outside playing football with everyone else?" River asked.

"Let me explain a few details about your nana. She gets rough with sports."

We heard yelling coming from the kitchen.

"That call was bullshit!" Nana yelled.

"That was a fair call, Tori! What is wrong with you?" Grandpa Greg argued.

"I see nothing wrong with my play!"

"Tackling your brother is everything wrong with your play!"

Grandpa looked at us and smirked. "That's why I sat this game out. It gets brutal between your nana and uncle."

We laughed because Nana loved football.


I shook my head when I penalized Tori for misconduct. She argued with my call, so Greg dragged her into the house. You can't tackle in touch football. It's against the rules.

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