All hell breaks loose

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Once Ma mentioned Banks' name to Dad, my temper erupted. Misty tried to calm me down, but it didn't work. I ripped the front door off its hinges and obliterated it before storming out of the house. I spotted Banks getting out of his car. "Hey, asshole!"

Banks turned and smirked at me. "Well, if it isn't Valentino. How's your mother? She's a sweet piece of ass." He fluttered his lips.

I increased my pace until I sprinted toward him. Once I reached Banks, my fist collided with his face, releasing a burst of energy around me. I heard yelling but didn't stop. I grabbed Banks, lifted him to his feet, and slammed my fist against his face.

The ground shook underneath my feet as I unleashed my fury.

Banks face morphed between a human and something indescribable. "Do your worst, Nashville. You can't stop me."

Footsteps thudded against the pavement as people yelled while cars screeched to a halt.

"Flick a switch, Nashville!" A deep voice shouted.

Flick a switch. To destroy darkness, you need to bring light to it.

Energy surged through me.

"Light the twit up, Nash!" Nix shouted.

I grabbed Bank's hoodie and pressed my hand against his chest as light emitted from my hand. I felt a hand touch my back as the light grew brighter. The hand moved from my back as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. Warmth engulfed me as the light blazed brighter.

"My heart knew even when I didn't," Mags said.

My heart thumped as energy surged through me.

"You have my heart, Nash."

I stared at Banks' face as it twisted and contorted, and something darker emerged, showing pure evil. A screech ripped from it as it fought against me. As I held whatever the hell this thing was, chains pushed through the ground and wrapped around the thing's formed.

I glanced to see my cousins surrounding me and Misty. River held out his hand as the chains wrapped around it. Ryan held up his hand as several pairs of arms wrapped around it and hands covered its mouth. Preston had his palms facing up as the light glowed brighter. Michael nodded to me as a barrier formed around us to protect others.

"You thought you won. You lose." I shoved my hand into its chest and unleashed pent-up energy.

The thing thrashed as different faceless creatures emerged until light exploded, knocking us off our feet. We landed on the street with a thud.

Dad rushed to my side as my uncles did the same with my cousins to check us out. Dad helped me to my feet and started talking. I had to stop him because I couldn't hear him. The explosion had damaged my hearing aids.

My dad started signing to me before leading me to the house.


I opened my eyes to see my dad kneeling beside me. "What happened?"

"All hell broke loose," my dad said, helping me sit up.

I rubbed my head as Dad checked it. "Where's Tino?"

"Val took him home to get new hearing aids." My dad helped me to my feet. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. But that was freaky." I pointed to the black mark on the street where Banks once stood.

"Well, hopefully, whatever thing was doesn't return."

I nodded and hugged my dad before we headed to Tino's house to check on him.

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