Guess who?

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During my training, I remembered everything I had learned from my previous life and corrected the guy who thought he knew everything. I even threatened to lay his ass out, except Alana talked some sense into me. It didn't matter. I still belted the asshole and called Matthew.

Matthew reassured me he would make a few calls to help me. Within the hour, Beau's great-great-great grandson, Blake Gray, arrived and fired the douche who I decked. Blake also threatened the guy with legal action if he retaliated against me. It's good to know Nolan's family had their head out of their asses.

Alana and I headed home early since I didn't need any training and received a double promotion. Tom asked me who I threatened to jump ahead of the class. I told the red-headed stepchild he would receive an ass beating for his comment. He laughed.

Luke was avoiding my phone calls. He can run but can't hide when I get my hands on him.

"Will you settle down?" Alana asked me beside me in the car.

"No, I won't settle down. Cayson thought he could hide from Big Brother. He can't," I huffed.

Alana rolled her eyes. "You forget a few things about our return. Blake thought we were insane. It's not like we could tell who we were."

"It shouldn't matter. Everything is screwy as it is. But it's good to know the family turned out alright."

"That's debatable."

I glanced at Alana with an arched brow before shaking my head. I wanted to see my daughter before dealing with the redheaded stepchild and his sidekick.


I couldn't believe my dad was coming home sooner than expected. I was beyond excited that I planned a welcome home party for him. Of course, I enlisted Tino to help me. Tino enlisted everyone else to save him. You would think the guy would appreciate spending time with me. Isn't that what he wanted?

"Misty, when I said I would help you, I meant with other things." Tino gave me a knowing glance.

I raised my brow. "Didn't anyone ever tell you that you have the mind of a gutter ball?"

"You can't have your mind in the gutter if you're not doing ungodly things with your girl."

I scratched my cheek before shaking my head. "Patience, you heathen." I walked away to ensure the cousins didn't screw up the decorations.

Ryan and River were hanging a welcome banner while Preston was directing them.

"More it to your left," Preston said.

Ryan and River moved it to the right.

"I said the left, not the right. What part didn't you get?"

"Is it your left or our left?" River asked.

"It's my foot up your ass if you keep it up."

"Did anyone tell you you're violent?" Ryan asked.

"Ask me if I care what people think."

"That's a loaded statement," Michael said before taking a bite of his candy bar. "Move the banner that way." He pointed to the left.

Ryan and River moved the banner in the right direction before Preston lost his shit.

The front door opened, and Val and his brothers brought in food.

"Where do you want the food, Misty?" Val asked.

"On the table, if you don't mind," I said.

They carried boxes of food to the table.

I spotted a cake box in Rafe's hands and made a beeline for him. "Is that the cake?" I couldn't help but smile.

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