01 - hello nice to meet you

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BLAKELY leaned towards the mirror. Her arms pressing into the marble counter in her bathroom while she touched up her lipstick one last time. Just as she pulled back, the door leading into her bedroom swung open. A y'all blonde boy walked in, impatience written all over his face.

"Are you ready yet?" Boston, Blakey's older brother asked as he leaned against the frame of the bathroom door. His hands stuffed into the dress pants he wore.

"Yup, all ready..." Blakely started as she swiped her bottom lip one last time, pressing her lips together causing her lips to makes a small popping sound. "How do I look?" She questioned her older brother.

The blonde boy paused, thinking for a moment. Tempted to say what any brother would say, but stopped himself, smiling lightly. His little sister was wearing a blue purple and pink sparking short dress, a glitter heart around her eyes that complimented the light makeup she had on. Her hair was down and wavy, her bangs covering her forehead. Glitter was just about everywhere.

"Like your going to a Taylor Swift concert." He finally said. "How about me?" He questioned, now standing up straight and fixing the collar on his white button up and the sash that said 'heartbreak prince' was wrapped around his body.

"Like your going to a Taylor Swift concert" Blakely said right back. Boston looked up, smiled a thin lip smile before nodding and walking off

"Good then lets go" the girl grabbed her perfume, spraying herself a few times before heading off to find her understandably impatient brother.

The siblings had made there way to the MetLife stadium in New Jersey, and began to make there way inside. It came as no surprise when people began to yell and scream out Blakely and Bostons names. As soon as they had made it to the VIP tent, fans began to approach them and Blakely gladly took photos with them as well as trading friendship bracelets.

As soon as Taylor had told her she had a few shows in New York, Blakely jumped on the offer of coming to watch and support her friend. After Blakely was offered to be in Taylor's All Too Well short film, the two had grown close. Going to dinner together and small party's. They even texted frequently. So when her phone buzzed she had assumed it to be the blonde singer.

When the actress turned her phone on she was surprised to see a message from Gracie Abrams, the two had only texted a few times. Normally congratulations on work that either of the two had just done, Blakely considered them friends even if they had only every texted. Either way, Blakely grinned with excitement. She would be lying if she said she wasn't more than fond of the girl.


Gracie Abrams
Hey! Why is it that I have
to hear from Taylor that
you're going to be here

Blakely Palmer
What if I told you it was
supposed to be a surprise?

Gracie Abrams
In that case, Taylor has
ruined your surprise

Blakely Palmer
Haha that's alright, i
had been meaning to
tell you but spaced it.
Im sorry

Gracie Abrams
Haha it's ok Blakely.

Are you going to be
down in the VIP tent?

Blakely Palmer
Yeah Im actually
already here! I wanted
to see your set :)

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now