12 - silk chiffon

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Boston clicked the door to blakelys room shut just as she walked out of the bathroom.

"What the fuck is going on?" Concern lingered in his voice.

"Hayes is a dick." Is all Blakely mumbled, flopping onto the twin sized bed.

"Yeah I've gathered, can we start from the top though? What happened last night? What did he catch you to doing?"

"We went swimming and he was mad she wasn't with him." Blakely said as if it was the simplest thing ever

"There's more too it." Boston sat next to Blakely, she turned her head and looked at him.

"I think we almost kissed" A slow smile kept up on his face

"Tell me all of it." Boston smiled at his little sister, her face lighting up as she thought about what almost happened.

"Well, it all started at dinner..." she told him everything

Gracie walked into the house, leaving Hayes in the dust. Abby, who was sitting at the kitchen counter, jumped up and grabbed Gracie's arm, dragging her to a private room.

"What the hell is going on right now? What is up with Hayes and Blakely? They look like they want to kill each other." Abby asked as soon as they were alone.

"I don't know." Gracie's hands covered her face as she let out a groan

"Well what even happened last night?" Abby sat the both of them down

"Well, I hadn't seen Blakely all day and wanted to spend time with her so we went swimming. We were messing around is all. I threw her in the water and she pulled me in with her and then when the fireworks wenthayescameandalmostsawbutIdon'tthinkhedid-" Gracie rambled out

"Woh woh slow down you and Blakely almost what?!" Abby's eyes were wide.

"Kissed" her voice was so small

"I fucking knew it!" Abby jumped up excitement rushing through her body, only to quickly sit down "sorry"

"What do you mean you knew?" Gracie's heart was pounding in her chest

"I mean, we'll the way you look at her." Abby smiled brightly "I've never seen you look at someone that way." Gracie bit her lip and looked away, tears swelling in her eyes

"Does anyone else know?" Gracie sounded worried

"No, not that I know of. I'm your best friend Gracie I look at these things. I want you to know it ok." Abby leaned forward, putting her hand on Gracie's knee, tears began to slip out of her eyes

"I'm so scared."

The next few days blew by. Hayes left that same night, working on producing music. A lot of the Abrams family left too, slowly people trickled away until it was just the younger group. Gracie, Blakely, Abby and Audrey all took the same plane, flying out to Kansas City on Thursday.

The schedule for the 7th went as normal. Gracie did sound checks at the stadium, did a small show at a record store then back to the stadium to open for Taylor. Of course, all three girls tagged along.

Gracie's set flew by in a flash, she added the song 'I miss you I'm sorry' due request of Taylor after having sang it together during the surprise song portion at the last show. That night, Taylor had released Speak Now (Taylor's Version) Taylor Lautner and his wife Taylor were in the VIP tent as well as Joey King. Taylor ended up bringing them out on stage, Taylor Lautner doing a Backflip as he walked on. The blonde premiered her music video for her vault song 'I Can See You' All four of the girls were going crazy in the VIP tent that night.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now