06 - polaroid picture

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Blakely walked outside of the VIP tent towards Abby. Gracie had just finished her set and the blonde was eager to shower the singer in compliments and hug her. The crowd had screamed 'sorry' during Gracie's song '21' and it was the loudest yet. Gracie's smile was heard though the mic.

"Hey Abby! Where's Gracie?" Blakely said walking up to the Girl. Abby smiled at Blakely, the two had gotten along really well considering they had only met a few hours ago.

"Oh she's changing, she will be out soon." Abby assured the girl.

"The crowd was crazy tonight, I'm so happy for her." Blakely said, sticking her hands in her jeans pockets

"Same! God Gracie's reaction was everything. This crowd has been everything she's wanted." Abby said with a smile as she turned her camera on and began to click though photos she took. The dirty blonde then moved towards Blakely and showed her a photo.

"Fuck, she looks so happy." Blakely said with a big grin herself, looking at a photo of Gracie, seemingly right after the crowd chant during '21'

"She's been smiling a lot this last week. You know, she's been smiling a lot today. I think you're really good for her Blakely." Abby said, turning her camera off and letting it hang on her neck.


"Yeah, she's been gloomy lately. I mean Gracie gets into these dark places and struggles to get out sometimes. She's got a few lights but, she found a really bright one." The girl said with a smile, referring to Blakely as a bright light. "Oh! By the way. Gracie told me to give this to you."

Blakley furrowed her brows as Abby reached into her pocket and pulled out a handful of Polaroids. She stopped on one and handed it to the blonde. In the photo, Gracie was holding up a heart with her hands, looking though the center. In the blank space at the bottom of the Polaroid was a note from Gracie.

"For my #1 fan and sunshine girl"

There were two small hearts on the other end. One had a B inside and the other had a G. Blakelys real heart began to pound in her chest, if at all possible her smile grew.

"Thank you Abby." Blakely said looking up at the girl. Abby just smiled and nodded

"Of course. Though you should thank Gracie too, that was all her idea. She told me to take the photo then snatched it from me before it was all the way out of the camera." Abby laughed and butterflies filled in Blakelys stomach

"God, that girl cracks me up." Blakely said with a laugh, imagining the scenario in her mind

"Who cracks you up?" Gracie's voice said from behind Blakely, startling the girl. But it wasn't so much the girls voice that scared Blakely. It was how Gracie had snuck up behind her and wrapped her long skinny arms around her shoulders and neck. But Blakely quickly covered her shock.

"You do, little freak." Blakely grabbed one of Gracie's arms. The girl gasped and pushed away from the girl

"Rude!" She pushed her away

"I'm joking! Ok maybe not but your my little freak." Blakey said to the girl. Abby was laughing and snapping pictures of the two, as Abby does.

"Ok. You are forgiven, only because you're my little freak too. We are freaks together." Gracie smiled and nodded

"Ok that sounds foul." Abby burst out laughing, followed by Blakely who just pointed and wheezed at Gracie

"NO! I MENT LIKE WE ARE WEIRD!" Gracie smacked a hand over her mouth, her whole face turning red "We are just weird! That's it." Gracie melted down to the ground. Abby and Blakely laughed together.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now