36 - doing it all for love

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TW: mentions of abuse

The trunk popped open with a low clicking sound. Blakely put her and Gracie's heavy bags into the trunk with ease. The zippers were barely holding on, the girls might have bought far to much on their spontaneous three day Disney trip. The same sound echoed in the packing garage as Blakely closed the trunk.

Gracie smiled as she walked to the car, two coffees in her hand. She was in a Disneyland hoodie that was maybe a bit too big and purple sweatpants. A smile grew on her face while her eyes sparkled. Blakely smiled just as warmly at the sight of her girlfriend.

"I got you a iced Carmel latte, that's ok right?" Gracie asked the blonde girl. Blakely let out a small laugh as she opened the passenger side door for her girlfriend.

"It's my favorite, thank you." The blonde girl helped Gracie get into the car, carefully closing the door behind her before rounding the car to the drivers seat. As soon as Blakely was sat and buckled in, Gracie leaned over the center console. Her slender fingers moved under the blonde girls chin, turning her head towards her own. Gracie placed a happy kiss on to her lovers lips.

"Mmm what was that for?" Blakely said with a grin as they pulled back.

"No reason in particular. I just love you so much." Gracie pecked the blondes lips once again before pulling back and buckling in. Blakely practically melted into her seat, a dumb smile covered her face as she looked at Gracie. Her heart fluttering as if that was the first time Gracie had said those words to her, only they said those three words to each other so many times they lost count.

"I love you too." Blakely was barely able to get the words out as she started the car, her cheeks red.

"Can I play music?" Gracie asked as she sipped on her drink

"Of course." Blakely answered quickly, putting the car into reverse.

Gracie did a happy shimmy and smiled brightly as she opened her phones and connected to the cars Bluetooth.

The drive back to LA wasn't a long one, it was just under an hour till they would make it the the Abrams girls home. They wouldn't say for long, shower and get ready before heading to Gracies childhood home to have dinner with the family and talk about the situation. But for now they were coasting down highway 91.

Blakely had one hand on the steering wheel, the other was resting in Gracie's lap, there fingers intertwined tightly. Gracie side eyed Blakely with a grin on her lips as Everywhere Everything began to play. Blakely smiled softly at the sound of the song, squeezing Gracie's hand as she quietly sang along with the song threw the first verse and the chorus.

Blakely peeled her eyes from the road for a moment, looking to Garcie when Noah sang "wanna love you til we're food for the worms to eat." The blonde pulled her girlfriends hand to her lips, kissing her knuckles softly during the lyric "keep my hand in yours."

However, her brows furrowed and her eyes flickered to the car screen. The logo for everywhere everything wasn't showing and the all to familiar sound of Gracie's soft hum caught her off guard. Gracie softly squoze her hand as a grin grew on her face.

"Drive slowly, I know ever route in the county, we'll maybe that ain't such a bad thing, I'll tell you where not to speed." Blakely took a quick look at Gracie at the same she took in a small gasp of air. The brunette watched the younger girl with a smile. The blonde girls mouth was open slightly as she listened to the song, thinking back to the day they went to Big Sur. Gracie had almost said those exact words to her and now here it is in a song. A song they had listened to that day and many more times throughout the whole trip.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now