35 - the best day

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Blakely is woke to the the bed creaking beneath her. Followed by the feeling of Gracie straddling the younger girls waist. Blakely moved her arms around Gracie's lower back as the singer laid down. Gracie's soft lips softly pressed into blakelys jaw. Blakely hummed gently at the feeling, a sigh of contentment leaving her lungs.

"Baby." Gracies voice was low as she dragged out the word. Blakely hummed once again. Gracie hummed once against before nipping at the younger girls jaw. her teeth lightly gracing Blakely skin. "Wake up"

"Five more minutes." Blakely smiled, pushing her head down and pulling the girl closer to her

"You know, for you being my sunshine girl, you sure do sleep for half the time the sun is up." Gracie teased, her nose bumping with blakelys nose.

"I can't help it." Blakelys eyes opened into small slits

"Well I can." The singer laughed softly, smiling against blakleys lips as she kissed her good morning. "But seriously I need you to get up, I've got plans for us."

Gracie pulled back, looking down at Blakely as she opened her eyes for her. "You're parents place?" Blakely questioned, knowing that they were going over there to discuss everything that happened and get some legal work done. Truth be told Blakely was dreading it, she was trying to think positive but those dark thoughts would occasionally pop in without warning.

"No, I talked to mom and dad, we are going over in a couple days." Gracie was playing with blakelys hair as she spoke.

"Why did you move it?"

"Because, I want to run away with you for a little bit. Is that ok?" Blakleys eyes lit up at Gracie's words.

"I always will run away with you." Blakely smiled brightly at Gracie.

"Where are we running off too?" Blakely tucked Gracie's hair back behind her ear

"I'm not telling you, but it isn't very far away, like an hour drive max." Gracie leaned into blakleys hand gently as she spoke

"I don't even get a hint? I gave you hints when we were going to Big Sur."

"Well, I'll give you one more hint." Gracie said sitting up, resting her butt on the blonde girls pelvis. Blakely shifted to look at the girl, waiting for her to tell her the hint while putting her hands on her bare thighs.

"I well?" Blakely said after a minute of waiting.

"This is your hint." Gracie gestured to herself. Blakely furrowed her brows. Her eyes scanning Gracie with the girls half movements. The older girl was straddling blakelys waist still. The girl was wearing a pair of sleep shorts and a Mickey Mouse crew neck.

"I love you, but I have no idea what this hint is." Blakely shook her head, the brunette just shrugged

"Looks like you will just have to wait and see then." At that, Blakely let out a frustrated sigh. Gracie laughed as she rolled off the girl and got up.

"Start getting up though, I picked out an outfit for you that you need to wear. I mean, we will probably end up changing once we get there because I definitely plan on buying a lot of stuff.... Oh well. I'm excited. I think you are going to really like it. Oh! And I already know what we are going to do when we get there. Like the first thing. That won't make sense to you know but it will when we get there." Gracie began to ramble on about there trip, doing her best to not give it away as she began to change from her shorts to jeans. "Am I rambling?" Gracie stopped, one foot inside of her blue jeans

"You're fine." Blakely just smiled and watched her "hey gave I haven't told you how much I love your legs?"

Gracie's cheeks turned a bright red as she rushed faster to put her pants on "thank you"

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now