28 - my love

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The floor boards creaked as Boston and Abby walked down the hallway side by side.

"So where do you live then?" Abby asked the older boy

"Well im back and fourth from LA and New York. I have an apartment down here but work in studios in both. Im really trying to get a studio down here though." He looked down at his glass, swirling the cold drink in between his hands.

"What part of LA do you live in?"

"Beverly Hills Gateway" Boston smiled, finally looking over to abby. The pair had come to a stop in the piano room.

"Im not to far from there actually." Abby grinned up at him

"You know, next time I'm down here I could bring you into one of the studios and show you some stuff." Boston offered casually, he thought it looked like Abby's eyes twinkled when he said that. In reality, the twinkle came from Abby internally screaming.

"I would love that." She said after composing herself, smiling like her mind wasn't working over time to keep her from passing out. She had been casually pinning over him for months but never said a thing. Especially when he showed up with Sabrina at the last show.

"You should show me some of your photography stuff too. That stuff you do for Gracie is incredible."

Yup she almost passed out again. So abby sat down on the piano bench and nodded "yeah absolutely I would love to show you. I'm glad she takes me with her, concerts are really fun to photograph. Capturing all the emotions from everyone. Like not just the artist but the crowd too, it's incredible. The little moments I capture. It seems so small but in reality it's so incredibly beautiful."

Boston sat next to the girl, smiling and watching her ramble, her mind obviously flowing to her work. "If your free next time I go on tour, I would love to have you come along with me."

Abby opened her mouth to say something, zero sound came out. Just then Katie walked in with a smile. Boo yes she cut off the conversation but also, abby was silent thanking Katie. Abby didn't know how much longer she could keep her cool

"The boys are up to no good again" she laughed and shook her head

In the kitchen, hot water poured over a dish, Blakely used a sponge to was excess food off before placing them in the dish washer. The sink was almost empty, only one more glass and two plates were left.

"Blakely, I told you that you didn't have to do that." A deep voice said from behind Blakley, startling her. She turned around and met JJs eyes

"I know." She offered a smile before turning back to the sink. "It's the least I could do"

Jj leaned against the counter next to Blakely, his wine glass was cupped in his hands. "You're our guest." He countered with a warm smile.

Blakely nodded and smiled, placing the last plate in the dish washer. "Thank you, for having me and my brother over for dinner."

"Of course. You both are welcome here anytime, you are both good people." He patted Blakely on the back "you make my little girl very happy. I can't thank you enough for that."

Blakely dried her hands and closed the dish washer, her face was slightly red. "Well, she makes me happy too."

"I'm glad you found each other then."

Before Blakely could say anymore, Henry and August burst into the room followed closely by Gracie, who was yelling at both of them.

"Blakely!" Henry smiled widely, august right behind him

"Guys stop!" Gracie pleaded

"Gracie said you can play piano" Henry started "you guys should duet something for us."

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now