05 - the very first night

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"Hey where are you?" Blakely said into her phone as she walked out of the airport, her eyes looking at all the cars that were lined up outside.

"I'm to the left! Oh! I can see you!" Gracie said, her voice full of excitement. Blakelys eyes trailed looked off to the left. Her eyes locked on the smaller girl. She's smiled widely, noticing she got out of her car.

"I see you too" Blakely said as she began walking towards the girl

"I'm going to need you to move" a muffled voice of a security guard said through the phone as Gracie started to walk towards Blakely

"She's right there..." Gracie pointed at the actress and she security guard backed off. Blakely laughed as she hung up. Gracie began to run towards the girl putting her phone in her pocket. Blakely smiled as she stopped and let go of her suitcase, her arms opening, ready for their bodies to hit together. Thankfully Gracie didn't have much to run so there wasn't much speed build up. The singers arms wrapped around the younger girls neck and she jumped up and into the blonde. Blakelys arms had wrapped around the girls waist and picked her up with her jump, squeezing tightly.

"I missed you so much!" Gracie's voice was filled with excitement.

"I missed you to gray! Even if it's only been like two days" The girl responded while they held the hug for a moment longer.

"Maam I need you to load up and move your car people are waiting" the same woman said to the pair. They pulled back in that moment

"Ok we are going" gracie huffed, grabbing Blakelys arm and pulling her to the black SUV her team had rented for her. Blakely followed after her like a puppy, pulling her suit case along and tossing it in the back seat once they reached the car. Both girls got in and drove off quickly, the security guard still riding their asses about leaving.

"How was your flight?" Gracie asked as they drove with the flow of traffic

"It was alright, I'm glad it was short and that I'm here." Blakely smiled as she looked to Gracie who was staring anxiously at the road in-front if her.

"I'm glad you here too! Are you coming with me to the record store show and sound checks tomorrow?" Gracie looked to the girl for a split second before gluing her eyes back into the road.

"I don't plan on leaving your side the whole time I'm here. Unless I have to of course." Gracie giggled at the thought of blakely following her around on stage while performing.

"Nah I think you should just stay glued to my hip." The two laughed. The first of many just on the drive back to the hotel Gracie had been staying in. The ride there wasn't a very long drive. Even if it had been it was fun. Their music taste was practically the same. Taylor playing in the background for most of the drive.

Once they had gotten to the hotel, Blakely began to unpack a bit, wanting to shower from being in the airport.

"Are you sure you're ok sharing the bed?" Blakely asked the girl for a second time since being there "I can sleep in the ground it's really not a big deal"

"Blake, if I have to tell you it's ok one more time I'm going to smack you with a pillow." Gracie said I'm all seriousness, a simple smile rested on blakelys face

"Okok, i won't"

The girls had quite a bit of day left once Blakely got out of the shower with a lot of nothing to do. After a small conversation both girls decided to wonder around a bit and grab some pizza. The stopped at the bean first, taking far to many pictures of their reflection in the bean. Later they went to the sky deck. Gracie thought her hand was going to fall off from how tight Blakely was holding it while standing on the clear platform at the top. Blakely was hesitant about stepping into it but when the brunette took her by the hand, Blakely had a boost of confidence and went with her. A few hours had passed, both girls had decided to head back to the hotel and run amuck there.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now