21 - in a box beneath your bed

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On the walk back to the car, Gracie hummed a tune Blakely didn't recognize. The older girls fingers were laced tightly with blakleys. Both of the girls felt like they were on cloud nine.

Gracie suddenly stopped humming and turned to Blakely "did I tell you I came out to my parents?"

"You did?" Blakelt smiled widely. Gracie had spoke so casually. "How did it go?"

"Really good actually. They were very supportive. They didn't ask about anything though. About... Hayes or why I told them now." Gracie smiled to herself "it felt really good. I cried a lot though." A small laugh left her lips

"God I'm so proud of you." Blakely stopped them from walking and pulled into her girl in for a huge hug. Gracie hugged her back just as tight.

"Thank you Blake." Gracie was beaming. Literally glowling. Blakely pulled back and cupped Gracie's face, Gracie just smiled up at the girl.

"Always" Blakely pressed a soft kiss to Gracie's forehead "I'll always be proud of you."

Gracie scrunched her nose. "And that's one of the many reasons I love you"

"I love you too gray." Gracies eyes twinkled when the girl said it back. "Here, jump on my back, I'll carry you the rest of the way." Gracie laughed as Blakely pulled back and turned around. Gracie jumped up on her back, wrapped her arms around her while her head rested on the girls shoulder.

"Thanks baby" Gracie said moments before biting her shoulder.

"Hang on tight spider money" Blakely said as she started to walk down the path, Gracie was so easy for her to carry it was almost ridiculous. The singer let out a laugh.

"You did not just say that" the girl tucked her head down, laughing still

"Oh I did and you loved it"

For the rest of the trip the girls felt like normal people. Holding hands where ever they were. Gracie had become obsessed with taking Polaroids, especially of them kissing. Everything felt so real, so normal. Gracie felt like she was finally able to give Blakely peace, that they both finally found some peace.

The drive home was a sad one however. Blakely swore Gracie talked for nearly two hours about how much she wanted to run away with Blakely, go somewhere no one would find them, where they could live with either other and things wouldn't be so complicated. But it wasn't realistic in the end. Gracie couldn't leave here career now, she's was about to take off and become a huge star. Blakely was about to sign onto her next movie. So Blakely promised Gracie, they would run away for a short while whenever she wanted.

After all, Blakely would fly across the country just to kiss her and be back in a day if that's what Gracie wanted.

So now, Blakely found herself watching the love of her life sing on stage. It was strange to think they had met at the eras tour three months ago. Now here she stood, in the same tent, this time across the country. They met in Blakleys home city and now, they were in Gracie's home town. Blakely was in love with the girl she only knew in bits and pieces. Now they knew every thing about each other. How they spent ever day, their favorite things, every inch of each other bodies. The best part was Gracie loved her too.

Blakley made sure to head to the side of the stage when Gracie was getting close to finishing her set. This night, Blakely had brought flowers with her, which normally she only did if she couldn't be there. But, this time it was special. Because Gracie was in her home stadium. It was important for her, so it was important for Blakely too.

Only there was a small issue tonight.

Hayes was there.

Thankfully, Hayes wasn't in the tent with Blakely while she watched the girl perform. She had no clue where he was. So, having flowers and slipping off to the back of the stage ended up being incredibly easy.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now