11 - he's in the room

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TW: cruel or upsetting language

The girls quickly swam to the shore. Both their hearts beating out of there chests.

"Gracie what are you doing?" Hayes asked again as they made it to solid ground

"Swimming" she answered simply

"You said you were going to be with me during the fireworks, your brothers are lighting them off left and right, they are almost gone" Hayes rambled, shooting Blakely a glare as he talked 'did he not see' she thought

"I know I'm sorry I just-"

"Was hanging out with Blakely." Hayes finished her sentence as if she's said it a million times.

"I'm sorry."

"I don't want to fucking hear it, that's such bullshit" he stepped towards Gracie. Instantly Blakely stepped forward, putting her body between the pair, not sure of what Hayes was capable of.

"Don't take it out in Gracie, It's my fault I distracted her." Blakely stepped up. She was pissed at the way her was treating her. Like she was some kid.

"What the fuck ever. I'll be in our room." He said to Gracie but glared at Blakely as he turned to walk away. Blakely stood her ground, making sure he was out of sight before turning around. Gracie's head tilted downward

"I'm so sorry." She whispered to Blakely

"Hey no, don't do that. You have nothing to apologize for." Blakely said cupping her face, bringing her head up to look at her "you did nothing wrong, don't let him think you did."  Gracie just frowned, her arms wrapping around Blakely. The actress pulled her in, hugging her tight. "It'll be ok"

The girls went inside shortly after the ordeal outside. Blakely spent some time in the kitchen, cleaning up some of the mess inside the house on her own will. She was alone, most of the Abrams family was outside still.

The sound of footsteps made Blakely turn around. It was Hayes. He walked to the sink, placing a glass cup in the bottom of it before turning and looking at Blakely.

"Can I help you?" She asked, putting a few paper plates into the garbage

"Stay the fuck away from Gracie" his voice was deeper, he was attempting to sound intimidating. Blakely looked at the boy, blinking a few times with a straight face, his chest was puffed out ever so slightly.

"No" she said simply. That pissed him off

"I don't think you heard me right dyke. I said stay the fuck away from my girlfriend." His voice was raised a bit now

"Oh I heard you just fine the first time and I have no intentions of staying away from my best friend. Though I appreciate the offer." Blakely kept her cool, nodding gently as she continued on with what she was doing.

"If I even-"

"What? Huh? what are you going to do bean stalk. If your trying to intimidate me, I'll tell you right now it's not working." Blakely narrowed her eyes as she looked at Hayes, her head tilting to the side, her face covered with disgust "I hope you feel threatened by me."

His eyes widened for a moment, just as he was about to say something, Boston and Henry walked in, laughing loudly.

"This isn't over." Hayes said just low enough so the two brothers wouldn't hear before taking off down the hall.

"You alright." Boston asked his sister with a smile.

"I'm good. Probably going to shower now though. Text me if you need anything?" Blakely said, not wanting to tell Boston everything that happened just yet.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now