32 - so in love that i might stop breathing

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The sun was just starting to sink down. Gracie was currently in Paris, touring Good Riddance in Europe. Blakely had been doing both work for Hunger Games and little things hear and there for Barbie, so she hadn't been to any of Gracie's shows yet. Until now.

Blakely flew to Gracie as soon as she was off the clock, literally running threw the airport to catch her flight. Barely sleeping until she was in Gracies arms again.

It was October 5, Gracie and Blakely were walking hand and hand threw the city of love, making their way to the Eiffel Tower. Boston landed in Paris just an hour after Blakley did, all just to spend time with Abby, who was of course on tour with Gracie.

"I can't believe you've been to Paris but never went to see the Eiffel Tower." Gracie shook her head in disapproval.

"I didn't have time. Besides getting to see it for the first time with you is even better if you ask me." Blakely said with a shrug and small smile. Gracie grinned at her girlfriend, blush covering her cheeks

"Stop it." Gracie always got butterflies when Blakely would say things like that to her. It was like she still had a crush on her. Even after everything that's happened between them, Gracie was completely brainwashed into loving the blonde girl forever. And Blakely felt the exact same way.

"No" a warm smile covered blakleys face. She dropped Gracie's hand, only to wrap her arm around the brunettes waist and pull her in closer.

Boston and Abby were walking behind the couple having a conversation of their own.

"I'm excited to see the tower with the lights on." Boston looked down towards Abby

"Me too, they should come on not long after we get there. I hope I can get pictures that will turn out." Abby's camera was dangling around her neck

"I'm sure you will, your a professional with that thing." Abby looked down at her feet. Hiding the blush that crept up from his words


"Of course" Boston looked at Gracie and Blakely. The girls were off in wonderland with one o their, laughing and stealing kisses every so often. Something about seeing his sister and Gracie so happy and in love sparked a confidence in the boy. "You know, Abby"

"Hmm?" Abby looked up at Boston, waiting for him to continue. There hands gently brushed against one another.

"You look really beautiful today." Bostons cheeks already red, Abby's quickly brightened at the boys comment.

"You're pretty handsome today." Abby said softly. Once again there hands brushed together, this time however, there fingers interlocked.

It was too the point they both knew they liked each other but hadn't quite admitted it. Boston was doing his best to take this slow. Her really, really liked abby and was determined not to royally fuck things up. Not to mention there was a bit of an age gap, 5 years. If Abby chose to give him her glass heart, he was going to do everything in his power to never drop it.

The four made it to the Eiffel Tower just before the sun was completely gone, only staying on the ground till the only flashing lights were the tower. After a small discussion, they went to the top of the tower and split off. Gracie and Blakely purposefully sneaking off so that Boston and Abby could have some alone time.

"I have something for you" Blakely said with a smile, they were looking out at the city of Paris, it was beautiful. Gracie turned and watched Blakely pull a small box out of her pocket. Gracie's breath caught in her throat.

"What is it?" Gracie managed to say. Blakely chuckled gently at the singer's nervousness.

"I'm not proposing baby." Blakely said with a smile, opening the box. It was a simple gold ring with three stones. A diamond in the middle and two sapphire on either side. "But I did see this and thought that maybe I'd get you a promise ring."

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now