02 - after party

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TAYLOR had now appeared on stage. The vip tent was now full of people. Gracie, Audrey, Blakely and Boston had moved up to the front of the tent with everyone else. Bostons arm draped over his sisters shoulders as they sang along with the blonde for the bridge of cruel summer. Soon enough, Taylor had been handed a guitar and made her way to the mic.

"I am over joyed, overwhelmed and overly excited to say to you... welcome to the Eras Tour!" Taylor said into the mic causing the stadium to explode in cheers. "We have some extraordinary opening acts on the eras tour. Isn't that right?!" Taylor added in and everyone cheered. Blakely turned her head, looking to Gracie. The singers eyes not leaving the blonde woman they both were lucky enough to call friend.

"So you started off your evening seeing and incredible singer songwriter who I just listen to all the time and I think she's brilliant and beautiful. We are so lucky to have her on this tour. Will you please give it up again for Gracie Abrams" Taylor held her hands up and clapped with the rest of the crowd, turning to look at Gracie. The brunette smiled and blew a kiss to the blonde woman on stage before sending her heart hands.

Blakely cheered with everyone as Gracie began to laugh lightly. Pointing to taylor mouthing 'I love you'. Audrey and Blakely stood on either side of the girl hyping her up just as much. Taylor began to talk once again, mentioning Phoebe and her amazing performance, having the crowd cheer for her once again as well.

"I'm so proud of you!" Audrey beamed to Gracie while Taylor began to introduce her next song. Gracie smiled at her best friend, hugging her tightly. Blakely and Boston where far too caught up in the blonde woman on stage to notice anything happening around them.

As the night went on, they traveled through each era, singing and dancing with one another. At one point the four stood, arms looped behind each others backs, rocking side to side. Phoebe and Taylor had just finished Nothing New and Taylor was beginning to start All Too Well Ten Minute Version. Half way through the song, the blonde stepped towards the VIP tent and yelled "Hi Blakely!" Causing the four to laugh and push Blakely around.

Blakey put her hands in the air waving them around before putting out heart hands, causing the blonde on stage to let out a laugh before returning to the mic and finishing the song.

Time did in fact fly and before you could blink Taylor had made it to the acoustic section of the show. The first song, Taylor introduced and played Holy ground. Gracie and Blakely grabbed one another, screaming and jumping while Boston recorded an extremely shaky video of Taylor and the two girls. The second song Taylor jumped right into and once again, Blakely and Gracie lost there minds and began to sing to one another dramatically.

But, just as soon as the concert started it had ended, Blakely could swear it wasn't really three hours, more like 3 minutes.

"I feel that way every night" Gracie said to Blakely, agreeing about how fast the show comes to an end as they walked towards the back stage area, special requests of Taylor.

"You really are so lucky!" Boston added in, meaning how Gracie got to watch Taylor all the time.

"I would totally drop everything if I could and come watch her perform every night" Blakely looked to Gracie, agreeing with her brothers statement

"Guys I really don't know how I got so lucky. She's literally incredible. I wish I could have opened every show" the Abrams girl said causing her best friend to let out a laugh, nodding in agreement

"You would open for Taylor for the rest of your life if you could" the red head stated

"Fuck yeah I would" Gracie said as they began to walk under a tunnel, at this point the arena was close to empty, Taylor had already made her way back to her dressing room. The four others stayed in the vip tent for a while after the show, talking about everything they had just witnessed before making there way back stage when Gracie and Blakely had both gotten texts from the blonde woman telling them to, quote on quote, "come to my dressing room swiftly, there are urgent matters to attended too" both the actress and singer laughed at Taylor's antics.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now