29 - birthday girl

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TW: emotional roller coaster, sexual content
(This is a fast moving chapter. Lots of jumping around. I'm sorry I'm advance)

The sound of blakelys keys unlocking her New York home where hardly noticeable. Her AirPods in both ears with noise cancellation helped with that. She hasn't taken them out in a concerning amount of time. Lana Dal Rey's song 'How To Disappear' flooded her her ears. She was trying to pull herself out of her acting mind set.

The blonde locked the door behind her, tossing her keys into a bowl that had been collecting dust. The apartment was dark beside the rising suns light that beamed over New York. Blakely yawned, hardly sleeping on her 8 hour plane ride. The kitchen counter had a few packages stacked up. Most of them were for Gracie's birthday tomorrow. She pulled her air pods out, putting them away, the silence of her home filling her ears.

She dragged her suitcase into the hall, taking her backpack off and gently dropping it on the floor next to it.

Blakely went to the bathroom in the hall, washing her hands off. She walked into her room, pealing her clothes off, blinding herself as she made her way into her walk in closet. She grabbed a t shirt of Gracie's, pulling it over her head and a pair of grey sweats. Her hair was still up in a messy bun. She planned on showering after taking a nap so her shambled state would suffice for her bed.

Blakely turned and walked out of the closet, her eyes leaning on her bed. There was a bump under her covers that was moving. She knew instantly it wasn't her cat, Sebastian. First of all, he was in LA with Boston and that bump was too big to be a cat.

When a mess of brown hair and a pair of sleepy hazel eyes caught blakelys, she almost started to cry. Gracie had rolled over onto her back and smiled a sleepy smile.

"Gray." Blakely practically launched forward, jumping into the bed. Her arms wrapped under Gracie and pulled their bodies together. Blakelys face tucked into the older girls neck. "What are you doing here?"

"Sleeping." Gracie's voice was raspy from sleep, her arms wrapped around blakelys body tightly. "I came early though, I got here last night. I wanted to be here when you got back."

"I missed you so much." Blakely whispered, not wanting to let Gracie go. She wanted to lay like that forever.

"I missed you too." Gracie's hands slid under Blakelys shirt.

"Can we go to sleep?" The older girl hummed out a yes at the blondes request. Blakely had a hard time sleeping when she was away for the last three weeks. But whenever she found herself wrapped in Gracie's arms, she could fall asleep in an instant.

Gracie and Blakely walked into Electric Lady hand in hand, Abby and Boston following behind. Taylor had put together a little party for Gracie at the studio, she wanted to show them the 1989 vault tracks. She invited a few other people.

They weren't just listening to the vault tracks, Taylor bought a cake for the girl and made sure to have a few drinks ready to go at the studio

"The birthday girl is finally here!" Taylor beamed with open arms. Gracie rushed to hug Taylor, smiling brightly "happy birthday buddy."

"Thank you so much taylor." Gracie said as they pulled back. Taylor turned her attention to Blakely, saying hello and hugging her as well. She was always incredibly polite, hugging and saying hello to Boston and Abby as well.

Gracie took her spot next to Blakely, the pair sitting on a couch in the studio. "Hey kid how is it going?" Jack Antonoff asked, sitting down in a chair across from the pair. His wife Margaret was also there.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now