31 - never seen a love as pure as it

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Gracie had been on the phone for the last 40 minutes with her publicist. Pacing back and fourth. Blakely felt awful, she tried to protect Gracie yet Hayes still went ahead and posted photos of them. Any privacy that they had was gone now. Worse of all, Gracie's right to come out to the world on her own terms was swept right from under her.

"B" Boston caught his sisters attention as he walked into the room. He was now dressed for the day. Abby followed behind him, a large hoodie covered her torso, her hands tucked into the pockets. "Abby and I are going to head out. Give you guys some thinking room."

"Alright, be safe." Blakely offered her brother a soft smile. Abby walked towards the door. Boston followed after her, but paused when Blakely grabbed his wrist. "Take good care of her." Boston smiled softly and nodded before walking to the door

"Ready?" Abby's voice was quiet

"Yeah, let's go" Boston opened the front door, gravies eyes looked over, her phone still pressed to her ear as she answered whatever it was her publicist was saying. Bostons hand went to the small of Abby's back as they walked out the door, closing it behind them.

Blakely walked to the couch, watching Gracie with as sad face. A few minutes passed before Gracie walked over to her. The blonde opened her arms for the singer. Gracie sat in her lap, resting her head on Blakelys chest.

"Ok, thanks" gracie mumbled into her phone "I'll talk to her about it... yeah." Blakely kissed the top of Gracie's head. "Bye"

The two were quite for a long moment. The streets of New York were just visible. A background noise to both of there thoughts.

"Baby." The word fell from Gracie's mouth in a whisper. "I thank I should make a post about us."

"Is that what you want to do?" Blakely didn't want Gracie to fell obligated to anything. Yes everyone knew, it was inevitable that they would have to say something at some point. But Blakely still wanted the girl to take whatever time she still needed. After all, they could block the whole world out if they had to.

But, Gracie nodded a yes, sitting up just a bit in Blakelys arms so that she could open her phone "yeah, it was my idea actually. Remember when I told you Abby took all these cute photos of us?"

"Yeah of course I remember." Blakely laughed under her breath, her hand was rubbing up and down Gracie's back gently.

"She sent them to me, I'm kinda excited to post of few of them. I'll send you some so you can make a post too. Only if you want too." Gracie clicked on her camera roll and went into the first album in her photos, right next to the 'ween' album, filled with photos of weenie. But this one was titled 'my sunshine'. "What ones should I send you?" She asked, the album was completely filled.

"Oooo, send me that one." Blakely tapped on the photo. For the next hour, the girls sat cuddled up on the couch making instagram posts about there relationship. Making sure it was everything they wanted it to be.

And when they had finished, on a count of three, they posted the photos.



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Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now