04 - over the phone

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AFTER SPENDING the rest of their day together, the two girls decided to go head to Blakelys home and escape the ever growing swarm of paparazzi that buzzed around them from a distance. The two sat in Blakelys kitchen for a while at the island, Gracie fixated on the view from Blakelys apartment. Sadly she didn't stay long, though Blakely had persuaded the girl into letting her cook a quick dinner for the both of them. Shortly after they finished Gracie had to leave so she could flight out to Chicago. The two hugged for longer than either would be willing to admit after Blakely and walked her out and made sure she got picked up by her driver.

A few days after that, Boston was at his whits end with his sister. Her phone almost constantly sounding off from texts as soon as Gracie left the apartment. At least that's how it felt to the boy. And if the actress wasn't getting texts from Gracie, the two where on a call or FaceTime, talking and laughing loudly.

"Blakely you are making my head ache, please put your phone on vibrate." Boston said, walking into the Kitchen on Friday morning, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Dude you don't even have to be here... speaking of why are you still here?" His sister counter as she clicked her phone off. She then poured herself some captain crunch.

"I'm here because you said I could be and I don't want to go back to LA yet. I don't need to go back to LA yet." He said grabbing a bowl of his own and taking the cereal that his sister just put down to make some of his own.

"True but still you aren't allowed to complain, you are here on free will" she said taking a huge bite of her cereal, shrugging gently after passing the milk off.

"Whatever. Who all is texting you anyway" He inquired, leaning his bare arms into the marble island that the two were standing at.

"Gracie" Blakely simply replied, not nothing to look up as she shoved her face with more food.

"No one else? Just her?" His brows were raised while
Blakleys furrowed down in confusion.

"Yeah? Why?"

"Your phone is about to explode, how has your sound system not shit the bed yet?" He asked seriously but she just laughed

"Boa... Don't be dramatic"

"I will be, you didn't even text Jenna that much. You don't text Harper that much and you two text a lot." Harper is Blakelys best friend back at home. They texted nearly every day but the boy had a good point. Blakely just shrugged.

"I don't know, we are just texting. That's what friends do" Blakely shrugged and continued to focus on her food. I silence fell over them before a gasp left the boys lips causing Blakely to look at him. Her first emotion was concern.

"Oh shit... you like her don't you?" Boston stood up straight, a smile spreading across his face. Blakelys flushed red as she shot him a glare and shook her head

"What? No" she said quickly. Bostons eyes shifted the the 'this is what it feels like' tour crewneck that fit loosely over the girls body. Before back up to her red cheeks.

"Oh my god you do. That's why the two of you won't shut up ever. Don't think I haven't heard you guys talking on the phone all night." Boston smiled mischievously as he took the first bite of his food in a minute

"Well I don't like her and even if I did it couldn't happen" Blakely said plain as day, trying to play it off.

"Oh really why is that?"

"Because she has a boyfriend and she's probably straight" blakely finished off her cereal, taking her bowl and putting it in her sink to rinse

"How do you know she's straight? Did she tell you that?" He asked her

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