15 - one last kiss, then catch your flight

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Once again Blakely going herself in the VIP tent, watching Gracie perform Silk Chiffon at the smile High Stadium in Denver. Blakely watched Gracie perform with a love sick expression. Even if Gracie wasn't completely hers, these last few days were literal heaven. That shit you read about in fairytales or see in the movies. Where everything just feels so perfect. That's how Blakely felt, like none of this was real. That it was too good to be true.

Blakely began to make her way to the back of the stage. Security let her walk up the ramp and head towards the costumes. Just outside of were the dancers would change, hidden from everyone inside the stadium. The crowd went wild, from the sounds of it Gracie and MUNA were walking off. Patiently, Blakely stood and waited for the singer to walk off. People passed Blakely by, talking through ear pieces.

Gracie came into view, as soon as she spotted the young blonde, she ran towards Blakely. The actress stood still, smiling and shaking her head. Gracie grabbed blakelys hips and pushed her into the dressing room. Blakely was of course taken back by this, stumbling ever so slightly as they dipped through the curtains. Gracie's arms wrapped around her neck just as Blakely wrapped around the girls waist. Their lips pressed together. Gracie's nose bumped against blakelys, their foreheads resting together as they kissed

After a very long... 'kiss', but it felt more like a slow make out, they pulled apart. Their eyes staying shut for a few moments, letting the feeling linger. Both of them breathless from the kiss.

"You did amazing Gracie! Every time I see you up on that's stage, you take my breath away." Blakely whispered to the girl, as if everything she said to the girl had to be a secret.

"You are the sweetest Blake. God I love seeing you out in the crowd. I can't think of anything else while I'm on that stage." Gracie's tone matched the younger girls, soft and low.

"I'm glad. I'll always be in the crowd watching you." Blakelys hands gently pressed into the girls hips.

"One day I want you on the side of my stage. I can get to you faster." Gracie laughed softly as she pushed her nose against Blakelys

"I'll be counting down the days til I get too. But, you should kiss me one more time and then we should get going before people start to wonder where we are." Gracie didn't waist a second, kissing the girl just as she asked. When they pulled back, Blakely kissed the girls forehead.

"You're so soft." Gracie cooed as Blakely pulled back, moving to open the curtains and peek out.

"Really? Let me guess, like Silk Chiffon?" Blakely snickered, opening the curtain more so Gracie could walk out

"Exactly." Gracie rolled her eyes, smacking Blakelys butt on the way out.

The pair walked down the ramp. A fan called out for Gracie, waving a friendship bracelet in the air. Gracie smiled, running to the girl and catching it, blowing her a kiss and waving. Blakely smiled as she watched the interaction. When Gracie was back at her side the pair began to walk to Gracie's dressing room

"Dude where have you guys been?" Abby had been walking back from the trailer

"Behind the stage?" Gracie said to abby like it was so obvious.

"I looked behind the stage, you guys weren't there." Abby looked at the pair. She scanned their faces. Both their lips were slightly swollen and red, Blakely hair was a bit messed up. A smirk crept up on her face "Oh you motherfuckers."

"Uh what?" Blakely asked with furrowed brows

"When we're you going to tell me?!" Abby's voice was raised.

"Tell you what?" Gracie tried to act like she didn't know

"You finally kissed? And you didn't tell me?! What the fuck you guys?!" Abby said a bit to loud for the older girls liking.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now