18 - so it goes...

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TW: sexual content (keep your pants on... or don't, who am I to tell you what to do?)

Gracie and Blakely returned to the party side by side. Taylor spotted them instantly, scared about what she was going to see when they walked out. A wave of relief washed over her, both of them smiling, obviously working out the problem incredibly fast. Gracie scanned the room, with caution, she laced her fingers with Blakelys.

"Hey, will you dance with me now?" Gracie raised her brows at Blakely.

"Are you still jealous?" Blakely teased and Gracie narrowed her eyes

"No" she dragged Blakely with her to the dance floor, Taylor obviously in the middle of the group having the time of her life. Boston and Sabrina were standing off in the corner of the room, talking extremely close.

"Hey." Abby said grabbing Gracie shoulder, the two girls were walking away from Renee's group "I think Taylor told Hayes you left or something so he dipped."

Gracie's eyes lit up "he's gone?"

"Yup, he came up to us right before he left and said that he was going back to his house tonight and to tell you to 'get better soon' and that he will text you tomorrow to see how your feeling" Audrey rolled her eyes.

"Thanks you guys." Gracie smiled as the pair walked off towards the bar

"Looks like you get to take this dress off, no sneaking involved." Gracies voice was low as she turned to Blakely, wrapping her arms around her neck

"I'll be patiently waiting then." Blakely whispered, leaned down, her lips next to Gracie's ear. The singer smiled to herself. The pair began to dance, Blakely holding Gracie's hips against her own.

"I wonder what Taylor said to him that got him to go home?" Gracie wondered aloud

"I said it was coming out of both ends and that you were wasting away in my guest room. Bad stomach bug." Taylor called over the music, a fake pout on her face as she dance over to them "you're welcomeee"

Taylor thought she was a wizard at this point, shimming away from the pair.

"Disgusting but affective."

As the night went on, the girls made their rounds. Spending a lot of time together but making sure to mingle as well.

Gracie had parted off for a moment, running to the bathroom with Abby and Audrey. So Blakely found her way to the bar, getting another drink for herself.

"Hey!" An unfamiliar voice pulled blakelys attention "sorry, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Cari. I sing and stuff. That's irrelevant though, I absolutely love your work and adore you." The singer gushed, drink in hand.

Blakelys heart was beating out of her chest, she felt like she was going to faint. "Oh my god, I totally know who you are. Cari Fletcher." The girl beamed. Caris smile grew "talk about love work, I love you and everything you do! Seriously so talented!"

"Holy fuck, you love me? I love you!" Cari countered with a laugh

"Fuck ok, we are best friends now."

"Dream come true, deal." The older woman laughed. "No but seriously, I can't wait for hunger games. As soon as I saw you were the lead I lost my shit."

"That means so much you have no clue."

"Yeah of course"

"What about you? I saw that you were back in the studio? New music coming soon then?" Blakely asked, trying to keep her cool.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now