09 - next to me

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Blakely eyes opened slowly. The morning light beamed though her window. She rolled over, looking to the other side of the bed in search of the Abrams girl only to be met with an empty spot.

Slowly Blakely sat up, her migraine was significantly better, just a minor head ache.

"I'm I going fucking crazy?" Blakely asked herself in a low mumble as she tossed her legs over her bed. The girl stood up slowly, making her way out of her room and down to the kitchen for some water.

Soft humming coming from the kitchen proved to Blakely she in fact wasn't loosing her mind. When Blakely rounded the corner, she spotted the Abrams girl, standing over the stove cooking something while singing lightly to herself. She paused and began to sing into her phone. She paused again and began to type in her phone.

"Oh shit." Gracie said aloud as she put her phone down and moved back to the stove, flipping what looked to be an egg that was now slightly burnt.

"Hey gray." Blakely said, walking into the kitchen all the way now. Gracie turner around and smiled, laughing lightly.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" She asked, grabbing a plate from the cabinet as toast popped out I've the toaster.

"Better than I have in a few days, thank you." Blakely responded, walking to the fridge and pulling her nasty medicine out.

"That's good I'm glad. I hope you don't mind but i decided to make us some breakfast. It's dip eggs, your favorite." Gracie smiled brightly as she made the plates.

"I don't mind at all. You're welcome to anything here." The girl took her medicine quickly  "thank you for doing that, you didn't have too." Blakely said, now moving to help the girl.

"I wanted to. You just go sit down ok? I'm practically done anyway." Blakely wasn't going to argue, her head was making her a bit dizzy so she made her way to the table carefully.

Soon Gracie walked over with two plates, each with two dip eggs, two slices of buttered toast. Both girls got a glass of orange juice as well.

"Your breakfast is served." Gracie did a small bow before sitting down. Blakely clapped her hands softly together

"It looks delicious, thank you." She said once again and Gracie nodded with a smile

"Of course."

"How did you sleep?" Now it was Blakely turn to ask ask Gracie, bitting into her food. Humming at how good it tasted.

"Pretty good too, I feel asleep just a little after you did. I was going to move to the couch I'm sorry." Blakely shook her head, mouth full of food. Trying to hurry and swallow the toast.

"You don't need to stay on the couch, you don't even have to stay in the guest room if you don't want to." She finally said "besides i actually sleep good when your with me." Blakely wasn't sure why she admitted that to the singer, almost regretting it but when she noticed a light shade of red on Gracie's cheeks, she was happy she told her.

"I'm glad I came then." Gracie smiled as she looked at the girl. A small laugh leaving her lips

"What?" Blakely asked with furrowed brows

"Your hair is insane." Gracie began to laugh a bit harder. Blakelys eyes widened, dropping her fork on her plate to run her hands through her hair. She pulled her hood up, tightening the stings so it would shut around her face. "Don't worry you look cute." Gracie was still laughing. Blakely put her hands over her face, hiding, knowing she was red from embarrassment.

"You haven't watched pride and prejudice?!" Shock lined Gracie's voice. After they finished up their food, the girls moved to blakelys room. Gracie was insistent on relaxing as much as possible. So after gracie took a quick shower and stole blakelys clothes, the two settled into the Palmer girls room. Blakely was leaned against her head board, Gracie sat between her legs. Her back pressed to Blakelys chest as she clicked through different streaming sites, searching for a movie to watch. The actresses arms rested gently around her torso, holding her close.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now