30 - the rumors are terrible and cruel

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Everything was so peaceful that morning. It was a beautiful day outside. The sun that was shining through blakelys large window warmed the room. Blakely was woken to the feeling of Gracie's lips on her own. A kiss that she returned before she was even fully awake.

"Good morning." Gracie whispered against the blonde lips.

"Good morning gray. How did you sleep?" Blakelys eyes were still trying to open, Gracie gently scratching her head wasn't helping with her waking up either.

"Really good. You?" The brunette said with a small laugh

"I slept good too." Blakelys eyes finally focused on Gracie's face. Blakely wished there was a way for her to take a picture of Gracie in that moment, the quality the same as her eyes. The way Gracie was just so naturally beautiful never failed to take her breath away. "How are you feeling?"

"That's actually why I woke you up." Gracie's cheeks tinted a shade of pink "I need to pee but im kinda sore."

Blakelys face flushed with worry. Sitting up quickly and getting out of bed. "really? Oh my god I'm so sorry."

"No no, it's like my leg muscles. Feel like I did 500 squats then held a 20 minute wall sit." She laughed sitting up as well. Blakely rounded the bed and helped Gracie to stand.

"Do you want me to start up a warm bath?" Blakely asked as they walked into the bathroom, Blakely helped her onto the toilet

"Yeah that might be good. Are you going to join me?"

"If you want me to." Blakely smiled, making her way to the tub and crouching down. She turned the water on, her hand underneath it, feeling it warm.

"I very much do want you to join." Gracie said with a smile, Blakely plugged the tub and began to let it fill up. Gracie had finished getting up and walking sideways to the sink

"Ok well, let me go get you some cold water then really quick and I'll be right back." Blakely said, grabbing Gracie by the hips and kissing her shoulder. Gracie smiled at blakely though the mirror.

"You are the sweetest." The pair shared a soft kiss before Blakely helped Gracie into the tub and left the room. Grabbing her sweats and shirt from last night, quickly throwing them on. She picked up her phone, turning it back on and walked out into the kitchen.

Boston and Abby had woken up earlier than both of the girls. Boston actually woke up before anyone did.

Last night, after Boston got into bed with Abby, the pair sat on either side of the bed, almost as far away from each other as possible. Their backs towards one another as they fell asleep. Yet, somehow in the middle of the night, they rolled towards each other.

So when Boston woke up, he found Abby on his chest. Her head was just under his chin. Her arms wrapped around his torso and one leg thrown over his legs. Both of his arms were wrapped around her body, holding her closer.

For the first few seconds of him being away, he didn't comprehend what was happening. Subconsciously he tightened his arms and pushed his lips into the top of her head.

Then it clicked. And the boy froze. He even stopped breathing for a second. Abby was literally sleeping on-top if him. So, he laid still like that for 26 minutes, waiting for Abby to roll off him or wake up.

And 26 minutes later she started to stir. Boston loosened his grip on her body, just in time too. She rolled off him, stretching up.

Boston took this opportunity to finally get up and out of bed, tucking his phone into his pocket. Walking to his closet and grabbing a hoodie.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now