24 - karma is the girl on the screen, coming stright home to me

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I've got a plan. Come to
the next show Gracie's at.
Gracie doesn't know you
will be there, let's keep it
that way. Bring Boston
and anyone else you want.
Hayes will be there. I'll call
you later to tell you the
details. I've got three words
for you Blakely.
Karma. Is. Real.

Blakely didn't have to think twice when she got the text from Taylor. So now, here Blakely, Boston and Sabrina sat, I'm the back of a car taylor had sent them, heading to N5 of the Eras Tour in LA. Blakely was in a black skirt with a black corset top. She was in black knee high, gogo type boots that hugged her caves and had a pleather black jacket to top it off. Gold jewelry littered her body. It was safe to say, she was dressing for revenge.

After a long conversation with Taylor, they found every loop hole they could. Hayes thought his threat through, there is no denying that. But he missed some major points. The actress memorized every flaw, every mistake he made. Those where going to be the saving catch in this ball game Hayes started.

The car pulled around back like Taylor had requested, and soon enough, the three blondes where in Taylor's dressing room.

"Ok let's go over the plan one more time." Taylor began "Blakely, stay backstage, don't let Hayes know you are here until Gracie is done with her set. Hayes has been kissing extra ass lately so I assume he will be behind the stage when she gets done, hoping fans will see him being a 'supportive boyfriend' and it will make its way to social media. You stay behind and out of sight of Hayes but insight of Gracie. She will go straight to you. He will see this, obviously and I'm willing to bet he will approach you. You know what to do from there."

"What do you want us to do?" Boston asked gesturing to himself and Sabrina. His rested on the small of her back, respectfully placed. Taylor smiled at the pair and shrugged.

"Keep your eye on Blakely, make sure Hayes doesn't get too close. Other than that, enjoy the concert." Taylor's eyes flickered between the boy and singer.

"You got it" Boston smiled and Sabrina leaned into his side.

"Alright team. Let's break." Taylor laughed and stuck her hands out. The others out there hands in as well. "Team blondies on three"

The group cheered on when Taylor said three, laughing at Taylor calling them out for all being blonde. After that they split. Boston and Sabrina headed out for the tent, Blakely hung back in Taylor's dressing room, the pair talking for a bit. Taylor was catching Blakely up on Travis, a football player she had started talking to after the Denver shows. Taylor really liked him and Blakely was extremely happy for her.

A knock on the dressing room door stopped their conversation. "Taylor, Gracie's set is about to start."

"Thank you!" Taylor called back through the door before looking at Blakely "you ready B?"

"Absofuckinlutely" Blakely took in a deep breath, Taylor leaned forward and fixed her hair "thanks" she whispered. Taylor walked Blakely to the door. Opening it for her.

"Go get her B." Taylor called as she walked out of the dressing room. There was a security guard standing waiting. He was short, bald but muscular.

"Good afternoon Ms Palmer. Ms Swift instructed me to stay with you until the show begins." He said with a warm smile

"Oh ok." Blakely was taken back but glad taylor was being cautious.

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