26 - she wants it more than everything in between

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TW: implied sexual content

The bed sunk down on either side of Blakely. The blonde was fast asleep, laying on her stomach, arms wrapped around a pillow.

"Blakely." Gracie whispered, she sat down on the younger girls lower back, her hands pressed into the mattress on either side of Blakely so she could lean down to her. A soft groan left the actresses lips. "Wake upppp" Gracie pushed the bed down with her hands, shaking it under the blonde girl.

"No" Blakely groaned. Gracie huffed and sat up. She looked at Blakely, her face slightly squished into the pillow, her hair was all over the place like normal. An idea popped into Gracie's head making her giggle.

"Baby wake up please." She repeated but her voice was softer, almost seductive as she leaned back down. The singer began to gently kissing the base of blakelys neck. This time a soft hum left Blakelys lips. Gracie smirked, one of her hands gently brushed against the girls side. "Please"

Blakely smiled softly and peaked one eye open, looking at Gracie for a second before closing her eye again. Blakley chose to tease Gracie, give her a taste of her own medicine "Make me" blakelys voice was deep and raspy with sleep.

"Ok." Gracie smiled, trying to hold back her laughter, knowing she was most definitely going to wake Blakely up. Gracie gently kissed between blakelys neck and shoulder before biting down. Blakelys eyes flew open.

"Gracie!" She said trying to jerk away from her but the older girl had already pulled away and rolled off of the blonde, laughing. "What was that?!"

"You said to make you!" She giggled, rolling out of bed and standing up

"Yeah but I didn't want that." Blakely pouted as she sat up.

"Well too bad."

"You are such a little freak." Blakely tried to hide her smile.

"Yup, your little freak. But you are just as much mine remember?" Gracie held her hand out for Blakely to take. "Come on, I make dip eggs and burnt toast for you. Your favorite" Blakely smiled and took Gracie's hand, letting the singer helper her out of bed "you know, If your good maybe later tonight..." Gracie wiggled her brows up and down, Blakely flushed red and forced a smile down.

They made their way out into the kitchen, Gracie had made everyone breakfast, Abby and Audrey were at the table, still eating theirs when they walked out. Blakely grabbed a chair and sat down while gracie grabbed their plates.

Gracie set blakelys plate down infront if her, kissing her messy blonde hair before sitting down in the chair next to her.

The center of the toast was cut out in the shape of a heart. The egg was in the middle, filling in the cut out.She had even made bacon, but folded the strips into tiny hearts and scattered them around the plate. The middle of the toast that she had cut out was to the side, only one of them, the other one weenie had gotten to. He stole a few bacon hearts too.

"Gracie this is so cute." Blakely smiled and she took a photo of it "I almost don't want to eat it."

"You better eat it, that was so hard to make. Abby and Audrey got the fails." The singer said, Abby laughed and Audrey nodded in agreement, eating her deformed yet delicious food.

"Thank you." The actress said after laughing for a moment, she kissed Gracie's temple before diving into her food, which in fact, was fucking delicious.

"You guys still going on a date today?" Abby asked through a mouth full of food. The strawberry blonde had just got done shoving the last bit of egg she had on her plate into her mouth. Gracie's head whipped to Abby, shooting her a 'shut up look'

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now