10 - sparks fly

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Quickly the end of the week rolled around. Gracie chose to stay with Blakely. This pissed the older girls boyfriend off however. The singer was supposed to spend this whole week with him. Regardless to if he was going to pay attention to her or not, the boy was upset that she left him to spend time with Blakely.

Well time went on. The girls flew together to Pittsburgh. Blakely felt a million times better than she had a week ago. And just like that week, the rest of the month flew by in a blur. Blakely went to what shows she could. The blondes manager had set up a few auditions for upcoming movies and tv shows. None of them sparking a huge interest for the girl.

July was finally here, Blakely had taken a plane out to LA at the beginning of the month, having a few auditions. Now here she sat, in a rented convertible, driving to Gracie's family's lake house. Boston sat in the passage set jamming out to music. Gracie made sure that Blakely told Boston he was invited to the BBQ as well.

"Are you staying in Gracie's room?" Boston turned the music down

"Well Hayes is going to be there so no, I doubt it. Im not sure where we are staying." Blakely was nervous to say the least. Not only was she meeting all of the girls family but Hayes was going to be there too.

"Oh that's her boyfriend huh?" Boston asked, his hand sticking out the side of the car, moving up and down in the wind.

"Yup" the blonde popped the p at the end of the word

"So, do you like her then?" Boston asked, he wasn't teasing like he had last time. He genuinely wanted to know. Blakely stayed quiet for a moment, staring at the road head of her. She didn't want to lie to him, after everything they had been through together. besides they told each other everything.

"Yeah." She finally said, for the first time. Admitting her feelings out loud. Boston just smiled, he reached over, grabbing her shoulder and squoze it.

"I think you guys would be good together." Boston said after a moment. A sad smile spread across the young girls face.

"Thanks boa." The GPS yelled at the pair, telling them to make a right hand turn and that their destination would be on the left.

"Hey, text Gracie for me, tell her we are here." She said passing her phone over to Boston. The boy logged into her phone, texting the singer as she asked.

Blakely slowed the convertible as they turned into a long driveway, stopping the car behind another car that was parked there. The Palmer siblings got out of the car, Blakely pulling a backpack over her shoulder, and another small duffle bag.

"BLAKE!" Gracie's voice called out from the front door. When Blakely looked over, the brunette had taken off full sprint, running barefoot towards her, hardly dressed, just in a black bikini. Blakely smiled as she turned and readied herself for the older girl to crash into her arms. Although crash into her was an understatement. Gracie jumped up, her arms going around her neck, her legs wrapping around her waist while her head buried into her neck.

"My girl." Blakely sighed, one hand going under her butt, holding the singer up to her while the other wrapped around her back, squeezing her.

"I missed you so much!" Gracie said pulling back, her hands grabbing blakleys face. Her lips pressed to her cheek over and over again.

"I missed you too Gray." Blakely kept ahold of her with ease, wanting to stay like this forever.

"It's only been like two weeks." Boston chimed in with a laugh. When the girls looked to him, he was tucking his phone in its pocket, carrying his things towards them and picking up blakelys bag that she had dropped.

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