14 - coney island

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Blakely woke up to the feeling of Gracie rolling out of bed. Soft footsteps made there way into the bathroom before closing the door. Blakely forced her eyes open as she rolled over, looking at the clock next to her bed.


Blakely sighed gently closing her eyes, her hands covering her face. 'That dream was intense' she thought to herself. Often having dreams of her and Gracie kissing and being together. Last night felt like the realest one yet.

"You're awake." Gracie said, jumping back into bed with Blakely. "How did you sleep?"

When Blakely opened her eyes and found the girl, realization struck. Gracie's hair was messy, a few small hickeys littered her neck and chest.

"Amazing, how did you sleep? How do you feel?" Blakely asked, as Gracie curled into the actresses body under the sheets

"Like a baby, and I feel fucking amazing." Gracie smiled, her eyes searching the blondes face. "Can I kiss you again?" She whispered, worried Blakely had just used her the night prior. That she didn't mean any of it. After all, she had grown used to things changing drastically after moments like those.

"I'd like nothing more for you too." The younger girl said leaning forward. Gracie's lips met hers and they both seemed to melt into the kiss, stopping from smiling too much just like last night.

"Thank you." Gracie said when they pulled back

"For what?" Blakely was confused

"For last night, I have never... it was perfect." Gracie struggled to find her words and settled for the easiest way to get her feelings across

"You made it perfect Gracie. Shit I woke up and thought it was another dream." Blakely laughed as she laid down onto her pillow. Looking at Gracie, she was sitting on her elbows, sheets covering her.

"Another dream?" A smirk crossed Gracie's face while the other girl flushed red

"I- uh no I mean it was just a first time dream, not-" Blakely was going to try and cover her tracks but gracie shut her up with a quick kiss

"It's ok. I had them too." Blakely was too stunned to finish talking but was even more after gracie spoke. Blakely just smiled at the girl, wanting to stay like this forever.

"Gracie, we do need to talk about last night though." Gracie's face dropped, her heart sank

"Um, yeah what- what do you want to talk about?" She was instantly nervous. Every bad scenario running through her head in the span of two seconds

"Don't get me wrong Gracie, I loved last night and I'd do it over and over again. I want nothing more than to be with you. Look, I like you, like an insane amount." A smile returned to Gracie's face

"I feel the same way Blake." Gracie grabbed blakelys hand, linking there fingers together.

"I just, Gracie, you have a boyfriend still." Blakely whispered the last part. Gracie stared at there hands as she chewed on her bottom lip.

"I want to be honest with you." Gracie began "about my relationship with Hayes. When we first started dating a few months back, I thought he was everything I wanted. A few weeks into us dating, he got distant. Id given him everything he wanted." Gracie trailed off, obviously upset. "Fuck I'm so embarrassed at how fast I fell for the idea of him. Ive realized I never loved Hayes. I was so clouded with the thought of him and how we would look on paper." Gracie finally met blakelys eyes "I have to change everything about myself to get him to even look at me. I want to leave him, I've wanted to leave him for a while but I'm so fucking embarrassed. I even said that I loved him on the social media, all my fans know."

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now