07 - mother

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"Oh my youngest child" Taylor cooed, hugging Blakely tight

"God Tay, I missed you so much!" Blakely said, holding on tight to the blonde. It was now Wednesday the 7th, just a few days after Chicago. Blakely and Taylor were currently hugging in the middle of a restaurant called Locanda Verde, over in New York. Taylor was back and fourth from touring and re recording her albums in NYC and decided to pull some time aside for her young friend.

"I've missed you too. I'm so glad we are doing this." Taylor told her as they pulled back.

"Same, I've missed us." Blakely pointed out, Taylor nodded in agreement.

"I need to catch up on the life of Blakely. And I need to catch you up with my stuff too." She older woman laugh

"Oh god where to even begin. Life's been pretty boring. Just waiting for the release of Hunger Games to get closer. I'll be bombarded with interviews. I'm super excited for the premier tho." Blakely settled into her seat. Taylor leaned forward on her hands, listening to Blakely talk, giving the actress her full attention.

"You always look so good at premiers! Your looks never fail to wow me." Taylor said with a wide smile, genuinely meaning every word she spoke to the girl "do you know what you are going to wear for this one?"

A smile grew over blakleys face as she nodded and leaned forward "yes! I haven't told anyone yet but I'm going to wear this beautiful black dress with red at the bottom, as a sort of nod to Katniss' fire dress. It's going to be so beautiful." Taylor let out a small gasp, a smile of excitement crossing her lips

"Im so excited to see that! I bet it will look stunning on you B." Taylor grinned.

"Thank you Taylor that means a lot."

"Oh of course. What else though? When are you seeing Gracie again?" The blonde asked casually yet it seemed a bit strange for Taylor to ask. But Blakely brushed it off.

"I'll see her at the Pittsburgh show" a waiter walked up, pausing their conversation momentarily to get there orders before quickly taking off

"So the Pittsburgh show? Are you coming to both nights that she's opening?" Taylor asked while sipping on her drink

"If that's what she wants then yes, most likely." Taylor smiled to herself when the actress answered.

"Gracie talks about you a lot." Taylor began, Blakely smiled and tilted her head, waiting for Taylor to go on "all good things don't worry. We talk a lot, kinda like me and you do. You are working that Blakely Palmer magic on her." Taylor laughed

"What do you mean?" Blakely was intrigued and wanted to know everything, but she also knew taylor was an extremely respectful person. The singer wasn't going to say anything more than she needed to.

"You carry this happiness and warmth everywhere you go. Everyone you meet and touch can feel it. I can see it affecting Gracie and I'm really happy about it." Taylor complemented

"Well I do  have this amazing role model. She's a master at being a beacon of kindness and positivity." Blakely was talking about Taylor, and the singer knew too. She smiled brightly. "You rub off on people too."

"Thank you!" Taylor reached her hand across the table and grabbed blakelys, gently squeezing it. "thank you for saying that."

"Of course. And thank you too Taylor." Blakely squoze Taylor's hand back. "Now... tell me, what is miss swift brewing up." A mischievous smirk crossed Taylor's lips.

"Evil things Blakely baby, evil things..."

"Oh god..."

"That was extremely needed." Blakely said as they began to make their way out of the building. Security waiting for them at the door. Taylor took Blakelys hand in hers.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now