25 - we can be pirates

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TW: mention/suggestion of abuse

Blakely opened the back door to Abby's car, reaching for Gracie's hand. She gently helped the hazel eyed girl into the car, closing the door behind her before rounding the vehicle and getting into the other side. Gracie has moved to the middle seat and was buckled in by the time Blakely sat down.

Abby started up the car, Audrey in the passenger seat, munching on chicken nuggets. She had Abby's camera in her hand, watching the video Abby recored of the confrontation from earlier.

"The audacity of this man." The redhead said with a mouth full of food.

"Honestly, good riddance." Abby laughed at her pun. "Blakely handled that like a champ though."

"It wasn't all me, I had a lot of help. Like Taylor helped me get all the info."

"Oh stop trying to be humble." Gracie nodded in agreement with Audrey

"You did good. Thank you." Gracie pressed a gentle kiss to blakleys cheek before resting her head on the blondes shoulder. Blakely smiled to herself, tilting her head to rest on Gracie's while wrapping her arm around the smaller girl.

"What ya making?" Gracie's arms wrapped around blakelys waist. They had gotten back to Gracie and Audrey's home late into the night like normal. Gracie had briefly mentioned she was hungry, so Blakely found herself in the kitchen. Slow music was playing that she had been humming along to.

"Um, I'm not actually sure what the name is. I've always just called it bean salad." Blakely smiled over her shoulder.

"It smells really good, what's in it." Gracie and Blakely began to slowly sway back and fourth to the music.

"Chick peas, butter beans, onion, garlic, olive oil, chilli ori, cholula, salt, pepper and white wine vinegar." The girl listed off, Gracie hummed.

"God my stomach is growling." Both the girls laughed

"Good, because I think I made a little bit to much." Blakely tapped the mixing spoon on the edge of the metal bowl, placing it down before grabbing the tasting spoon. She scooped up some with the spoon before turning her body, Gracie loosened her grip. "Here, try and tell me what you think."

Gracie opened her mouth, letting blakley feed her. Gracie closed her eyes and hummed gently. "Mmm" she began before opening her eyes "yes, give me that whole bowl."

Both the girls laughed. Blakely got a bowl out and made her a dish. The pair sat down at the table, the kitchen was dark except for a soft glowing yellow light.

"So, I'm going to have dinner with my family this Friday. I was thinking maybe you could come with." The older girl asked, hopeful eyes. Blakely smiled and nodded

"Yeah I would love to come."

"Ok awesome!" Gracie beamed. "I was thinking that since it's in a few days maybe you could invite your parents too! And have Boston come so it's both out families." Blakely froze at the mention of her parents, her eyes staring at the food in the bowl "I thought it would be nice because I haven't met them yet and like, you know. It's kinda important I guess." Gracie rambled for a second but stopped, noticing how Blakleys mood had shifted. "Baby?"

"Um, sorry" blakely snapped out of it. She looked up and met Gracie's hazel eyes.

"Is something wrong?" Gracie reached across the table for blakelts hand.

Blakelt grabbed her hand and thought for a moment. She didn't like to talk about her parents. "Um-"

"Oh my god." Gracie gasped "are they like, not alive? Im so sorry." Her hand smacked over her mouth

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